They seem to be making a lot of "states rights" arguments. At this point we should just let the several States just be nations unto themselves. It's clearly what the Federalist Society wants. But then each State will have to provide for its own defense, have to print its own currency, and there won't be any organization to regulate commerce between these new separate nations.
SCOTUS: We're going to let the states decide who they want to prosecute for merely existing.
All they need to do is reverse Lawrence v Texas.
That was functionally the status quo during my parent's generation.
And we counter with: members of the SCOTUS are going to start disappearing until they start making decisions that benefit humanity.
They seem to be making a lot of "states rights" arguments. At this point we should just let the several States just be nations unto themselves. It's clearly what the Federalist Society wants. But then each State will have to provide for its own defense, have to print its own currency, and there won't be any organization to regulate commerce between these new separate nations.