Your thesis is fundamentally flawed though because you are taking your situation and extrapolating to the public as a whole. While I'll agree the market for new EVs is stupid right now the used market is far from. I say that writing this from my 22' model 3 I paid 18k for used. And that price wasn't a fluke.
I'd also like to add the last mile transportation I was referring to isn't public transport or some ride share app but the industry of van drivers who specialize in business transport. Companies like PTI or Halcon who specialize in getting you from anywhere to anywhere.
I wouldn't pay $18k for a model 3 regardless, but that's still a price that is out of reach for the vast majority of people buying a car. I believe you are taking your financial situation and assuming it represents the public as a whole.
And if you think most people driving to work can afford a paid transport, that just reinforces the previous point. You're completely out of touch.
The average is not the median, and there's about 20% of the population living below the poverty line that can't qualify for a car loan. If you exclude the top 10% that can afford much higher loans, that average goes way down.
Your thesis is fundamentally flawed though because you are taking your situation and extrapolating to the public as a whole. While I'll agree the market for new EVs is stupid right now the used market is far from. I say that writing this from my 22' model 3 I paid 18k for used. And that price wasn't a fluke.
I'd also like to add the last mile transportation I was referring to isn't public transport or some ride share app but the industry of van drivers who specialize in business transport. Companies like PTI or Halcon who specialize in getting you from anywhere to anywhere.
I wouldn't pay $18k for a model 3 regardless, but that's still a price that is out of reach for the vast majority of people buying a car. I believe you are taking your financial situation and assuming it represents the public as a whole.
And if you think most people driving to work can afford a paid transport, that just reinforces the previous point. You're completely out of touch.
The avarage used car loan in the United States is 26k. That price is not "out of reach for the vast majority of people buying used cars".
The average is not the median, and there's about 20% of the population living below the poverty line that can't qualify for a car loan. If you exclude the top 10% that can afford much higher loans, that average goes way down.
Median is 23k…
according to the 2022 US census the poverty rate is 11% not 20%, it hasn't been above 20% since 1959.