Usually that's the highly related compound called esketamine, which is stronger and is administered in smaller doses nasally and has fewer side effects. Sold under the brand name Spravato. The commercials for it have some things listed as side effects I don't think I'd seen in a drug commercial before: "can cause … feeling disconnected from yourself, your thoughts, space and time"
Ketamine is used by doctors and vets. So it is heavily regulated but can be used legally by people allowed to prescribe/use it.
Ketamine is a tranquilizer… so for official use nothing recreational.
Thank you for at least trying to answer my question. I appreciate it.
No problem bud! Hope this either gives you enough to move on by either reading further or skipping to the next article.
Low dose therapeutic ketamine is apparently used in some cases of depression and trauma therapy as wel
Yeah, some excellent trials going on.
Usually that's the highly related compound called esketamine, which is stronger and is administered in smaller doses nasally and has fewer side effects. Sold under the brand name Spravato. The commercials for it have some things listed as side effects I don't think I'd seen in a drug commercial before: "can cause … feeling disconnected from yourself, your thoughts, space and time"