While we’re all playing morality police and talking about drugs, maybe keep in mind he stalked someguy being while he was obsessive and possessive of a woman.
Playing vigilante and involving the police because you got hurt fweewings is a dogshit move.
anyway everything on 4chan is fake, so this is just some incel fantasy about what he thinks would be cool.
If you’re doing something illegal, and a lot of people know, it’s a good policy to not get offside with people on a regular basis.
I mean the guy didn’t even do anything to OP, we don’t even know if he was aware his girl was cheating with him
While we’re all playing morality police and talking about drugs, maybe keep in mind he stalked someguy being while he was obsessive and possessive of a woman.
Playing vigilante and involving the police because you got hurt fweewings is a dogshit move.
anyway everything on 4chan is fake, so this is just some incel fantasy about what he thinks would be cool.
It’s pretty heavily implied he knew. Why else would he be angrier at the dealer than his ex?
Where is that implied
The fact that OP wanted revenge on him would imply he thought the drug dealer knew.
That’s just conjecture based on your interpretation.
And it means nothing.
You see that right? Just because you have an interpretation doesn’t make it correct.
So? Neither does yours, you’ve got just as much evidence as me.
The fact that OP is a robot would imply that he is not mentally well and shouldn’t be trusted
The fuck are you on about?
OP is a user of the 4chan board /r9k/, who go by the demonym “robot.” They are moderately less brain damaged than /b/tards, but only barely so