i always hated weird mex and india foods and recently discovered: no they are not wierdos that like soap
The first time I had some salsa in a restaurant I was asking if they accidentally poured dish soap into it. It was inedible for me.
I only learned later that it was cilantro and that it is genetic.
I am still feeling sorry for the remark, but it was all I could taste and didn’t know any better.
I don’t mind the taste, but I’m extremely sensitive to it. If there is one bit in the dish, all of it tastes like cilantro and nothing else. Is this also part of the soap gene?
For those who don’t think it tastes like soap go get a bar of ivory and really hit those back teeth with it. You’ll get it.
Fuck cilantro.
I have the soapy cilantro gene. Cilantro is one of my favorite flavors. No, I don’t generally like the taste of soap. The soapiness of cilantro is very mild for me and is lost in the strong flavor of the herb unless I specifically am looking for it.
i used to work at a poke shop and I had one regular that had a special kind of bowl: he wouldn’t get any rice or greens, not even any protein, he would request like 4 or 5 big scoops of cilantro. covered with crunchies like sesame and tempura flakes with sauce. Like this bro just eats cilantro salad every day
The guy transcended the coriander compass.