The video shows that Officer Mark Dial shot and killed Irizarry within five seconds of getting out of his cruiser.

    2 years ago


    Go to the cop subs at reddit. They can’t get past “everyone hates us because we catch them breaking the law” or “everyone hates us because they don’t know what a hard job it is.”

    No assholes, it’s because very nearly every single time there is video of a controversial event what turns out to be true? Cops lied, and would clearly have never come clean about those lies without BOTH the video AND public outcry and/or unsanctioned investigation of one sort or another.

    Here’s two other recent headlines about exactly that.

    Anyone paying attention in recent years can rattle off more names almost without thinking.

    There’s a clear pattern across a wide number of departments. They are all about the legal power to end life or dispense life-altering injuries, but not whatsoever about culpability when they fuck it up. THAT is what is feeding public distrust of police, and it’s not going to stop until it becomes the exception rather than the very observable rule.