I first started programming with TurboBasic which had the oh-so-amusing characteristic that you could have variable names of any length but the compiler only used the first two letters (and case-insensitive at that). So “DonutCount” and “DoobieCounter” actually referred to the same variable.
Really good times trying to debug that kind of shit.
I first started programming with TurboBasic which had the oh-so-amusing characteristic that you could have variable names of any length but the compiler only used the first two letters (and case-insensitive at that). So “DonutCount” and “DoobieCounter” actually referred to the same variable.
Really good times trying to debug that kind of shit.
I’m trying to write an intentionally bad programming language. Don’t give me ideas.
Make sure you add a “Variant” type lol.
It’s called a String.
Oh you sweet summer child. The Variant type in VB was so much worse than just a String.
I'm just complaining since I have the fortune of using a language where everything is represented as a string.
What is 3 + 5?
35, naturally!
A lot of people would say 8, I'm glad I didn't have to correct you.