Idk if this makes sense.

Obviously not via sexual reproduction but could a person’s genetic parents be of the same sex and that person be genetically indistinguishable from the rest of the population?

    4 months ago

    Not a biologist, but I’m convinced it’s possible.

    With induced pluripotent stemcells (stemcells made from nearly any cell of the body which can grow into anything too), we’ll find a way to make an egg from a man using any cells he provides. Then all you need is the other male partner’s sperm and a donor womb. Btw, the womb won’t have to be within a woman - artificial wombs are being researched.

    Someone already posted the 3 parent technique. So it is at least already partially possible.

    Since males have the XY chromosomes, they should be able to (theoretically) have female (XX) and male (XY) offspring. With advanced microbiology and artificial wombs, there’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll reach that point before the end of the century.