With the recent talks of UAPs because of the current events over the UK and New Jersey, I’d love to hear your experiences.

  • GBU_28@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    2002, Driving at night, across farm fields with trees around. My buddy in the car.

    A very bright blue light crossed my path maybe 20 yards ahead of my car and maybe 10 yards up. It was moving fast, illuminating the ground in a spot light way and hugged the terrain. I could see the shape of a dark fuselage but could not describe it at all.

    If it was a helicopter or jet or even prop plane it was absurdly close to the ground, at night, with obstacles around. We could not hear what we would expect (as if it were a helicopter). We had windows down, radio off. We were just chatting.

    I slammed on the brakes and my buddy yelled “of fuck” and put his hands out at the exact same moment I reacted.

    We watched it zip over the treeline and horizon, any chance to hear whatever noise it made was covered by the windows down wind noise, and the slammed brakes and gravel. We stood in the bed of my truck hoping it would come back and trying to rationalize it for like, almost an hour. Eventually we convinced ourselves it must have been a helicopter but in discussion days/years later, neither of us buy that. I’ve seen footage of an Apache helicopter flying low at night, but this seemed even lower still.

    I can’t claim anything about it other than it really freaked us out and was unlike any aircraft or drone I’ve been around since.