So you buy a nice two shelf bookcase but it’s wobbly and you know it won’t hold much. I’ve recently gotten one and my solution was to put L-brackets on it. After installing about 8 of these brackets at the cojoining parts of the shelving, it is now completely stable and ready for use.

    3 months ago

    If you lose something and spend ages looking for it remember where you looked first. That location is the home of that item, take it home when you find it. If you do this a few times you will have your automatic guess line up with where things are.

    After you have cleaned for a rental inspection and gotten everything just right take a photo of each room. Use this as a guide for how things should look when you are done cleaning. If you can get back to that one room per week you will end up having very little to do before the next inspection.

    Cleaning caddies are awesome. A cleaning caddy has two sections for cleaning supplies connected with a handle for you to carry it sound the house. Make a specific space for it and keep it stocked. Every time you go to clean you just grab that, take it to the cleaning, and you have everything right there. This means less thinking and more doing.

    Get a few different brushes with softer, harder, thinner, thicker, shorter, longer, and so on fibres. The short ones are generally better for scrubbing something like group, while longer ones are good for going under the edge of the sink or around burners. Some surfaces are sensitive to metals, so use synthetic or natural fibres on those. Some surfaces are super strong and solid but have stains, metal brushes are great for those.