Even if he’s scum of the earth (doubt it) the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
He seems run of the mill rich gen z tech bro with serious back problems. Which makes his points even stronger being a traitor to his class. Assuming he’s the shooter.
This story isn’t going away and the rich -especially those rich from blatantly problematic industries - should be scared.
There’s a very deep genuine anger in this country and it’s tied to emotionally charged life or death issues. I’m just surprised it’s taken this long for the powder keg to start to blow…
The governor of NY should give him a full pardon, and the mayor of NYC should throw him a parade. What he did was an act of justice, bringing righteous vengeance upon the wicked. He did nothing wrong.
Even if he’s scum of the earth (doubt it) the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
He seems run of the mill rich gen z tech bro with serious back problems. Which makes his points even stronger being a traitor to his class. Assuming he’s the shooter.
This story isn’t going away and the rich -especially those rich from blatantly problematic industries - should be scared.
There’s a very deep genuine anger in this country and it’s tied to emotionally charged life or death issues. I’m just surprised it’s taken this long for the powder keg to start to blow…
The governor of NY should give him a full pardon, and the mayor of NYC should throw him a parade. What he did was an act of justice, bringing righteous vengeance upon the wicked. He did nothing wrong.
He’s not a traitor to his class. He’s working class, not owner class. He had jobs, he worked. He’s working class, even if he’s rich.