Background checks started in '68, they didn’t become instant until like '93 because internet but they still existed, I think it was by phone back then. The rest of that isn’t around now either except for some states, the national AWB expired 21yr ago, and there’s never been national waiting periods.
I mean Terminator 1 takes place in 1984. As far a quick search goes, there were no background checks, no assault weapon ban, no waiting period, …etc
I think you could still buy machine guns. No phased plasma rifles though.
Hey pal, only what you see here.
What, not even one in the 40-watt range?
Background checks started in '68, they didn’t become instant until like '93 because internet but they still existed, I think it was by phone back then. The rest of that isn’t around now either except for some states, the national AWB expired 21yr ago, and there’s never been national waiting periods.