Not green, but sort of feels green
Anon is slowing disarming America
Can you imagine if that was your superpower. You just walk around and not machines, not tools, but guns specifically get disassembled in your presence.
Reminds me of a Nancy Kress story about a group of suburban terrorists who go around with a “dissambler” (nanotech) that erodes machinery in order to undermine a nanny state government that tries to keep a lid on technology. It eventually comes down to an arms race between different tech factions, and the idea of government is dissolved completely as the world descends (ascends?) into an anarchic-commune type situation.
There’s an old saying in Tennessee - I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can’t get fooled again.
Now watch this drive
I quote this while doing IT shit in front of my peers. They don’t get it.
I’ll always be surprised that you can just go into a pawn shop and buy a revolver in America
I’m assuming this is set in America, at least
Why have one problem when you can just as easily have two problems of the exact same kind? Efficiency, if you ask me.
And if you now fix one of the problems, you resolved two problems at once. Efficiency!
Anon should just buy a 3rd gun and take it apart
It does look kind of complicated, but with less than 100 parts how hard could it be?
Probably a fake post (b/c 4Chan), but maybe they got stuck at a specific section of the rebuild?
That’s a lot more parts than I expected tbh
I intended to make a joke about leaving the screws out, but there are only 5. (Plus nuts and bolts.)
10 springs though. A lot more than I anticipated.
it doesn’t look that complicated but I guess I’d have to have been born white in the states to have disassembled a real gun
You dont have to be White to own a firearm here you race-baiting asshat.