And I thought I was the only one who breast fed my dog.
You mean women do it too?
I would have thought it was inkfed.
Don’t try to appropriate my culture!
But a squid isn’t a mammal so they shouldn’t have mammary glands.
You shouldn’t have mammary glands either, but you don’t see me going around telling everyone.
Unless you store your milk in the ink sacs…
And I suppose you do something sick and twisted like store it in a carton in the fridge. I know your kind.
Humor is subjective of course, but I think “dog” replaced with “husband” would have worked better.
The dog disagrees
Thanks for sharing
thanks for participating <3
The twist: she’s not breastfeeding the dog, the dog is breastfeeding her.
My ex sister in law actually did this with a new puppy :( It took weeks to convince them not to and I suspect they were still doing it in secret for longer
Pics or it didn’t happen
Probably shouldn't be showing this but okay...