I like the image and messaging. I was thinking of calling them Cybercucks.
I like the image and messaging. I was thinking of calling them Cybercucks.
Americans shit all over Japanese cars and their drives for decades after Pearl Harbor…so, sell it or deal. I’m sorry about the stress and financial part but Emerald Elmo is not someone you want to directly support if at all possible.
The only bar when you are a billionaire is other billionaires.
Ok, but if people like him didn’t exist would we even have enshittification? In my view things get enshittified so someone who’s probably already well off can “earn” them and other rich people more money. I thought we were mostly all in agreement here that there are no good billionaires.
Having even 1 big yatch is cunty but collecting them when people are poor and struggling is cuntyness manifest.
Every one of them whose personal life goes public is a giant cunt because you have to be a giant cunt to hold on to billions of dollars. I’d say the waste Gabe produces with his fleet of aquatic toys means he’s a piece of shit billionaire. I love games and Steam but I’m not giving him a pass. And I don’t care if some of his shit is used for research purposes
He has control. He can afford a 10 gallon hat or some reinforced hair plugs. He could get tattoos that makes his head look like a rocketship or have someone’s eye surgically implanted on that vast dome. Anything he wants because he hoardes amounts of money no one can ethically hold.
I would bet 1 of my balls that he’s insecure as fuck but also thinks because he’s got wealth and power that his preposterously proportioned pink peak makes him smarter/better than others. Like, his brain is elongated so his cerebellum is all parfait’d up. Billionaires - They not like us…
1st he’s a billionaire.
2nd he’s racist.
3rd he contributed to p2025 which is a conservative manual to gaining power by dismantling systems, ignoring laws, that type of shit. And, without saying it directly, hurting minorities including women.
Targets now are illegal immigrants, who keep the country running by being cheap labor with no rights, and trans people. Neither are hurting anyone. But really most of us are getting hurt if we don’t have wealth or that plus the right religion and skin color. Having all 3 is being at max level here, all the buffs.
Makes it harder to pirate or share, so more profit with the benefit of censorship. They could make updates to material on the fly if they wanted. Assuming you need an Internet connection, no privacy and limits where you can read. It’s hard because you can’t avoid things like AWS but you can stop paying them directly. Sadly, even now, it’s hard to convince people to give up on Amazon and similar corps.
Worried, concerned, alarmed. Shut the fuck up if you aren’t going to take action now, and tell us what those actions are. We know they are actively destroying what they can while making bank. These words mean nothing if you say them and never take action. Maybe in a different time they would carry weight, but not today.
Because this guy hurts more people 24/7 just being a billionaire than some hurt feelings on the Internet. We don’t have a lot to attack but their ego.
<is billionaire <owns yatchs and subs People still wiping his ass with their noses?
Let’s say he’s an alien and attack him to save our species.
Yeah, better from the slavery days of my great great grandfather. There aren’t running jokes about the frequent imprisonment and abuse and death of white people by authorities because it’s not something you all had to fear. You treated us worse than dogs, then, slowly, we got more rights than animals only to be released into a modified cage. So fuck better. We said equality.
Technology generally does whatever you tell it to and the surveillance options are nuts. Any tech is gonna be used by shitbags if they can benefit from it. The problem is when someone is connected or has money they can be a literal sociopath and gain positions of power where they attempt to control people like they would devices, and sometimes no one stops them for a long time.
Jesus fuck. No wonder this niggas brain isn’t functioning.
If you think it hasn’t been collective chaos for black people for 400 years pick up a history book and think about the people exploited so you can live in Rome in comfort.
Their argument to the American people doesn’t matter. Millions of Americans are still happy with what’s happening and we have a government that will use violence to get what it wants. We need a coalition of countries to step on America’s dick and grind it into the ground. We deserve it for the shit we’ve done around the world.
There isn’t. I’m just kidding.
Whatever, we’re all living like we’re 18 and our bodies and minds are so so tired.