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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2024

  • Just a slight positive spin on this. I mean, I get it. Just like all of you I read this headline and say, no shit.

    But its good these articles are out there. Its not for you and me. It’s for the average person who doesn’t think about this and is blissfully unaware.

    Yeah, I can argue they should care and all that, but that’s pointless. This is a sign that the average person is becoming more aware, and the status quo can change.

    We all have those friends and family that we wish would…just do things differently. Maybe they will now, or soon.

    Just think, wouldn’t it be great if your “arguments” with your family are over messaging each other over SimpleX instead of Signal?

  • Exactly. I write well enough. I only use AI if I’m just stuck for words and want to get a suggestion. Sometimes it’s good enough, sometimes it’s way off base, but was enough kick to get things going in my brain.

    I’d appreciate some added AI to give suggestions occasionally, but it needs to be implemented well. I hate when Word tells me to phrase something differently as if it 100% correct. No, I worded it that way because that’s how I want to say it.

    The real damage will be when everybody starts sounding alike because there are defined acceptable ways to say things.

  • I’m with you on the philosophy of tech freedom, which is why I’m back to trying Linux again. So yeah, we’ll take that journey together.

    I just think its over simplified by most, and I guess I got the wrong impression of you by your 15 minute comment.

    I’ve seen multiple people recently post something like, I’ve switched to Linux and can never go back…but I hated it for a year. That makes so much sense to me, and I just feel that most Linux users leave off the learning curve part, and just gloss over to fully knowledgeable use.

    So many people just don’t have the time or energy to just jump into something new. I’ve been using windows for 30 years, and learned a lot along the way. Its going to be tough to learn Linux without daily usage and experimentation (and totally screwing stuff up). That’s a tough pill for most people to swallow.

  • Worrying about learning an new OS isn’t as simple as you make it. It takes time, dedication, and will power to work through the pain points.

    Most Linux users give answers like “just use Linux” but it’s not that simple. Yes, it’s easier to switch these days because more and more apps are browser/cloud based. But technically a chrome book would be an easier switch if that’s the mentality.

    I “use” my PC. I don’t simply check email and go on Facebook. I’m currently trying Linux for probably the 4th or 5th time. It’s easier to get into these days, but it still functions completely differently than Windows, as it should.

    For example, It took me at least an hour to figure out how to partition and mount a drive. There’s some not so clear information out there so finding the right info wasn’t as easy as it should be. OK no big deal, now I know, but I don’t necessarily want to chase answers like that every time I use my computer.

    Lastly, I’ve never accepted using Wine as a work around for unsupported programs. OK, maybe if you have 1, but not if you have 6. That’s not an acceptable solution when your needs scale up like that. And I have many. I’m not going to 100% get away from Windows. It sucks, but it’s reality.

  • Absolutely. And particularly it was is “batches” especially as you get to Shadow.

    Collecting stuff as you go along playing is fine (I mean, I’d argue not because it’s lazy game making but its normal). But going along and hitting a village that has 50 side quests in it just interrupts flow.

    Plus, they made nested fetch quests so I felt trapped in a loop. OK I’ll just do this one quest…“hey, now that I see that you are good at fetching arbitrary items, I want you to go get this for me too”