When they’re actual racists, nothing happens. There were literally Neo-Nazis on school ground a few days ago in Ohio.
That’s what my dog does.
He tears into the couch in one side of the house to get you annoyed, then runs to eat cat litter, then runs upstairs to take the kid’s toys.
Do enough chaos to get something and tire us out.
The comments here are smug as fuck.
My wife apparently passes so these MAGA nuts at her work tell her all sorts of racist tea.
Look at these delicious tears.
That’s how Reddit was in the beginning.
Back then, you used to show someone “the front page of the internet” and it would literally be jailbait and tech news.
The defense of “it’s so easy just pick a server” is getting exhausting.
The average person wants something that works.
Around 2010, I worked for a company where one project was to increase the social profile of our company. We hired a marketing company to help us improve how our CTO, CEO, CFO, all the C-level folks looked to the public. Pretty much, throwing money to make these people get famous, so the company to could make money from all the news.
A year later, CFO was on talk shows discussing his new book, which was a NYT best seller. The book was garbage and full of content scraped from a dozen other “thought leaders”.
The thought leader circlejerk where hundreds of them have ghost writers write their shit, all of them tell the same 10 stories, all of them quote each other, all of them buy their way onto NYT best sellers list because some thought leader friend wanted to do the same so they inflate the sales. Then the Ted talks, the podcast tours, the constant INNOVATORS bs. Yuck.
His Indian kids are reaching that age when they either realize he’s a hateful insufferable piece of shit, OR they themselves become spoiled rich assholes with no moral compass and live off the griff.
But I want AI to convert my mp3s to Oggs and vice versa 😭😭😭
Not some stupid “conversion library” or whatever that is
I would have disagreed with you when Pis were like $50 and chaining 3 Pis together with a hard drive was a fun project to do self hosting.
Now to get to the beefiest raspberry pi, it’s $120. And in the range, yeah, for price and reliability, use a mini-pc/laptop.
Some people need to be separated. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about group dynamics.
Let’s take it from both angles - just to avoid politics. A disruptive kid in a classroom affects every other kid. Get rid of that kid, and suddenly the whole classroom improves. Everyone can agree to that.
The other side - a company has a pro-union worker. Shitty company doesn’t like not controlling their workers, so they find a way to fire them.
Back to the Nazi, separate them from the rest of society. We don’t need them.
I laughed way too hard at this.
I love wine, but it is a depressant, and without a more normal amount of food to help blunt the effects of alcohol, I think I was experiencing a little bit of that “sad drunk girl crying in the bathroom” syndrome many of us observed (or experienced, no judgment!) in college.
Ive been paying for Workflowy and honestly, I’ve reached my limit of cost vs value.
I needed a way to do more than just bullets, like Evernote without the bloat, or OneNote/Notes without the megacorp, something I can export and read 100 years from now.
I was surprised how often I use it, and slowly weening off of Workflowy.
Had a ex-friend who went real hard last year about feeling his masculinity has been challenged. Went deep into the manosphere language. He was extra annoying. Every convo was about how he, a white man in America, was being repressed. He started labelling random shit as masculine/feminine. Got sick this and stopped inviting him.
A few months later, I learned the divorce was finalized and he’s been sending me invites to hang with him in his bachelor pad. Nah dog you suck now.
Just go to your local dispensary and spend $10 for a nice piece of candy.
The way a civilized city should have it.
That’s wild. I’m the complete opposite.
What industry and what country/part of the country?
I’m curious if it’s a normal thing in the past decade, and they just look at me/my experience and skip all of that.
I’ve been through about 8 tech jobs in my nearing twenty years of experience. The only drug test I ever had was when I worked at a tech company for a hospital, and I declined.
Even the gov job did not require a drug test. Maybe because it wasn’t federal government, or there was some loophole with contractors, or something else. I definitely had friends who had to do drug tests with government contracts.
I typically laugh at drug tests. I live in a legal state, I don’t use anything, and the fact that you can take cocaine every day for a year and stop for a few days, and you’ll still pass. It’s stupid and I’m fortunate to be in a position where it’s an extremely rare question to ask in my industry.
They review it during the initial interview. They just don’t tell you.
In gov jobs, they want you to share it, under the guise of avoiding phishing attempts.
Do they rip the worst farts or am I just telling on myself that pizza rolls give me room-clearing war crimes-level gas bombs?