She looks just like my Teddy!
She looks just like my Teddy!
A hybrid between two cats. I’ve been told when getting him its a half Bengal half snow Bengal but I’ve been told by ppl on the internet its most likely a SIC. I don’t really care because hes the best in the world
Wow amazing detail! What printer? Did you have to use support?
Beautiful finish! Well done
Graphicaly getting Strong’s dragon’s lair vibes - look really cool
Depends on your budget and how deep you want to dive.
I bought Ender 3v2 as my first 3D printer, and it traumatised me to the point I’ve not printed anything in a year. 3D printing has it’s learning curves, but Creality gives you no ropes here. Which is great and ultra frustrating at the same time. You will learn a lot about 3D printing, even stuff that you don’t really need. But it will take you a long time and loads of sweat and tears for your first successful 3D print (unless you are lucky and your printer will be good to go from the box).
So what’s up with this novel? Can’t find anything obvious about it - only that it’s mighty popular among conservatives (which is usually a red flag)
He was sold to us as a cross breed between Brown Bengal and White Bengal, but I think he’s a standard issue 😄 love him no less!
I noticed that there is one scenario that I get good load times + video with proper framerate: laptop connected to the same network. If it’s on my phone, no matter if it’s the same network, 5G or external network - videos are always choppy…
How could I check that?
But said machine would have to run 24/7 for this to work correct?
Who would do such a horrible thing to a lovely pizza thief like Wen?!
Sending loads of love!
I just checked and my router doesn’t allow for DDNS so this option won’t work for me unfortunately.
Which option is it? Also, is it secure?
I’m using QuickConnect relay atm.
I just tested on my local network and it works perfectly fine. It’s only when I’m outside.
So you reckon it’s my connection is bottlenecking the whole operation?
EDIT: I noticed when I’m on my home network, there is no issue with the videos being slow. So it is the connection most likely. Ergo, nothing I can improve unless I upgrade my contract?
I think it might be because I’m running DSM 7 and it’s suggested to have 1gb of RAM when DS216j have 512mb. I think I will try to downgrade to DSM 6
I checked it - it’s Cat 5e
Amazing! Thanks for sharing