And now potentially 100s of people will have the thought of poo in their heads. You did that. That’s the power of the internet.
People underestimate how important being able to google answers on the internet has been for the take-up of linux and many other things. Most of us would be lost without Google.
Finally, I’m a one percenter.
Shes not a very destructive cat so we haven’t had too much trouble. However there has been more than one puzzle where there’s been a missing piece at the end, not that I’m casting aspertions.
As far as I am aware, the foot in football originally referred to the fact that it was a game played on foot rather than on horse back (as opposed to polo for example).
I’m sure the EU has established it as an official standard.
Reddit used to always go on about how I stacked the dishwasher. Then there were the API changes. I’m like, why do you need to control everything, reddit? Just chill the fuck out.
Ironically, running proved to be bad for his health.