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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • Getting lost while talking to someone because my mind left the chat.

    Walking back and forth to do something and forgetting what I was going to do and then switching to a new task only to find out I had to do the first thing before I could do the second thing and then maybe repeating that.

    Why is there X item, food or otherwise, in the freezer when it should be in the fridge or in a completely different room? How I learned to defrost potatoes.

    Looking at phone while watching a movie because I can’t remember the name of the movie that same actor was in 10 years ago. Surprise, we are watching that same movie.

    Where are the groceries? Damn it, these tacos made me forget to take them out of the car. I presently want tacos.

    I have no idea how long I have been preheating the oven, at least this time there wasn’t food in it. pRoGrEsS.

  • The problem is that glass absorbs energy to break, polymer deforms to absorb energy. So you have something absorbing energy in two different ways that robs kinetic energy very well.

    Even just a normal household double pane window with one thin layer of polymer on both panes will take a long time to bust through with a hammer if the outer polymer is bonded to the frame appropriately. If you put paper tightly between both panes top to bottom, you would be in for a task because the paper reenforces against the deflection the hammer imparts.

    You aren’t allowed to use tools with the money case, but ignoring that, you could shoot it with a .50 cal AP round towards the top and almost certainly make it through and then you just hammer and crowbar down to get the cash by peeling away the glass.

    The other way you could attack it is to just drive a car at the far side from the support and hopefully peel the glass away from the frame enough to get in.

    Even taking a hammer to it would be a laborious task to make any meaningful progress in a reasonable amount of time. A pickaxe would be useful, a framing hammer face less so.

  • I have heard it from a credible source who relayed a first hand experience going through with it. I have no reason to question either telling, as it was more of an embarrassing story and it is a practice that is known to occur near Amish areas from time to time.

    You obviously couldn’t volunteer someone, you aren’t a king entitled to prima nocta.

    I have no idea how your one-sided throws of passion would be recieved by the elders, as the account I heard was rather embarrassing and barely effective in immediate results. My understanding is the elders are there to prevent sexual assault or improper conduct, probably somewhere between a cucking and a urinalysis observer’s dutiful gaze.

  • It is a thing, but uncommon.

    For whatever reason they may find it to get some outside genetics to avoid genetic stagnation issues, infertility, or whatever, so they cover the mailbox as an invitation for outside help.

    It is highly transactional and utilitarian. The potential father may be given simple gifts for the assistance, but it usually is a handshake affair and the gifts are more a hospitality thing.

    Don’t go driving through Amish lands hunting some preindustrial strange, you are unlikely to find it… But you could get lucky.

  • If we are talking about devoted Amish, they literally only have sex for the purpose of procreation, sometimes through a sheet in some cases. Sex for recreation, including oral or anal, are verboten under the Amish Ordnung oral traditions.

    In practice, there is sexual “deviancey” and sex had with some degree of knowledge that doing so is not strictly for procreation. Due to cultural aspects, there is shame brought in by such things that they have to get right with God about. Rumspringa, think last repreve before devoting to the Amish life, is usually when young Amish sow some wild oats with some abandon with the English(outsiders) if they so choose.

    If you are a single man going through Amish country and see a mailbox with a bag on it, it is an invitation to donate your genetics to the community. Don’t expect hot and steamy throws of passion, you are fucking through a sheet while the elders preside over the breeding session in the same room.

  • You can modify any semiautomatic firearm to fire full auto, uncontrolled(gun keeps shooting after the first shot until empty regardless of trigger use). The Glock situation is unique because the switch utilizes a safety mechanism that is part of the factory design to allow for controlled full auto(gun fires so long as the trigger is depressed). The funny part is the Glock 18, their full auto pistol, has a fairly complex system to allow it to switch between full auto and semi auto.

    The ability to aim at a target and fire full auto effectively really isn’t a factor in criminals wanting a full auto Glock, they go for accuracy by volume and just “to whom it my concern” the rounds that miss the intended target.

    It is a stupid suit and they would be better off addressing the causes of gun violence instead, but that would be harder to do and takes longer than an election term.

  • Writing something in dirt is one thing but spray painting, scraping, or damaging something is a dick move.

    Yes, they bought a stupid vehicle from a company run by a controversial person, but that doesn’t mean you can be a terrible person and damage their property as if they have anything to do with Elon.

    You want to go after Elon by proxy? Vote, write your government officials, protest, and continue to not by his products.