I mean it's still worth it
I mean it's still worth it
It's not like i took it but i understand that other's confidence can be a bummer for your own.
I try to do and say what is fair and right but also get constantly backlash for it. Ignore it. If you know what's good and right, never do the opposite. Don't pay too much attention to the noise
You got a point and I feel sorry about that
It is and I stand by that
None everything i do and say is just awesome
Aye thanks. I can't see how having or not having certain physical characteristics can be immoral
What is PIV?
However a lot of things can spread disease, and it's mostly breathing.
I'd recommend to just not talk to nazis who are only permanently searching for "arguments" to justify being intolerant assholes.
Pro tip: type it into the chatbot by your own. Then write the summary from what you remeber from typing it in
I actually waned to jump on that train but looks like it didn't work :(
? I wasn't defending them I was pointing out that OP wouldn't have this problem under kind of worldwide dictatorial- or star trek- communism. Or so
I think then the whole body would be affected but this one looks like a normal street cat with only a big shoulder to me
European sizing is also differently, i have shoes 42-43. I think even 1 pair of 41. There's no shoe law
I guess that's a tumor
Oh ye more finite energy sources will save us forever while we're sawing off the brach fracturing the ground we're sitting on.
Also ye the title is shit
Belgium is a city and shit
Paypal is a bank here in europe. Hope musXk leaves Europe.
Pouring out some spit out of my grinning mouth
Wash bedclothes separately at at least 60°C. Germs die and salt and fat will dissolve. No folding, because who cares it won't make a difference after 1 night. And yeah what elbow said, pull the fittet sheets as far as possible over the mattress. The rubber ring should be as small as possible on the backside. The sewn corners on the bed sheet should rest on the mattress' corners that are on the underside, or even being stretched further