Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

Spent many years on Reddit before joining the Threadiverse as well.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • At this point I really don’t know whether to believe that Trump is literally a Russian asset. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, we need to wait for actual evidence to know for sure.

    But I’m finding it more interesting right now watching how people are reacting to the possibility that Trump is a Russian asset. I’m thinking a lot of people would rather believe that it was true, because that way it would mean America didn’t do this to themselves. Much nicer to believe that some Machiavellian spy plot had been pulled and America had been hoodwinked than to believe that America had simply elected this ridiculous parody of a human being because they wanted to.

  • I doubt he’s “giving in.”

    What’s happening here is that Trump thinks he’s being a tough negotiator by doing all these supposed “power moves” of offering ridiculous deals and trash-talking his negotiating partner. But the result is ending up being the opposite - the US is throwing away all of the power it thought it had, Ukraine is showing that they don’t need the US. Each threat that Trump makes is a card he’s playing and revealing to actually be useless.

    Now that the US has burned through its hand, Zelensky can turn around and tell them “okay, here’s my offer.”

  • You think Obama didn’t accomplish anything? He was some kind of completely helpless nobody in the face of a Republican party that didn’t control anything for two years of his term?

    This is exactly the reason the Democratic party is being dumped on so hard these days, and deservedly so. They don’t even do the right thing when they are handed the power to do it on a silver plate. They insist on “compromise” with a party that brooks none.

    Shutting down Guantanamo would have been effectively irreversible since it’s Cuban land. Cuba doesn’t recognize the American claim that they have a lease on it, so as soon as it’s shut down it’s never coming back.

  • Because a lot of people feel like the world is getting shittier, and so they’re voting for the parties that tell them “the world is shitty and we have the solution. It’s simple and straightforward and someone other than you will bear the brunt of it.”

    If the left wants the far-right to stop gaining then it has to defuse this argument. They should be working to make people feel like the world is less shitty, convincing people that they have solutions for the world’s shittyness, and ensuring that those solutions are simple and straightforward and put the brunt of the effort on someone else.

    This is the downside of democracy, you have to do what the people want. Sometimes that’s kind of annoying and difficult.