Just got a rescue dog in LA. $495 adoption fee, $10 application fee, but the dog is a delight so far. She’s so lovable it’s crazy I waited this long. Single dudes, heed my words: get a cute dog and walk it twice a day, learn to cook, keep your place clean, and get your issues worked out with a therapist. Treat your dates/partners with respect and watch how your love life improves.
Just got a rescue dog in LA. $495 adoption fee, $10 application fee, but the dog is a delight so far. She’s so lovable it’s crazy I waited this long. Single dudes, heed my words: get a cute dog and walk it twice a day, learn to cook, keep your place clean, and get your issues worked out with a therapist. Treat your dates/partners with respect and watch how your love life improves.