Kleptocratic Kakistocracy
We don’t need a royal family to attract tourism to the buildings. Tax money can still go to upkeep historical sites, the guards, and all the touristy stuff. More of the revenue goes back towards infrastructure.
if people didn’t give a shit then they wouldn’t put it in the news
Look up “propaganda” in the dictionary.
CAH are paying more to people who voted republican last election, only if they post on social media why they are voting democrat this time, and their plan to go out and vote.
I can’t find the page from a few weeks ago anymore though, apologize.lol links to a different page of Cards Against Humanity’s campaign where I can’t see the FAQ anymore.
Definitely not their genocidal neighbors terrorizing as usual. /s
Sorry, so they can see if you voted and party affiliation, and based on that, they are paying people more or less $, assuming affiliation to a party ment they voted for that party.
Makes sense, ty. I misinterpreted the situation.
For some reason when I upvote posts they dissappear for me even if I search.
The website linked that CAH made was apologize.lol and they had a FAQ section saying how they and Musk are doing this with their PACs and how it should be illegal. Looks like they changed that site too, since I first saw it a few weeks ago, I can’t find that faq section anymore
Cards Against Humanity are paying people more or less depending on how they voted last election, according to the records they collected.
Edit: found solution to the dissappearing upvoted posts
He can, though. In another post about Cards Against Humanity’s project, they explained how criminally easy it was to create a PAC, request and acquire voters information. They can see your registered voter information and who you’ve voted for in the past.
Edit: Someone corrected me that they can’t see exactly who people voted for, but, they can see party affiliation, and if you voted. Going by that data, they can assume you voted for the party you’re affiliated with.
And yet the US throws poor people in prison for not being able to afford paying their debts.
Shutting down a service that hasn’t been paid for seems as simple as getting the power turned off for not paying your electric bill. Why is it worse than not paying for services?
I feel like they lit some rubbing alcohol or something for this shot and immediately put it out after the pose. I doubt he would have gotten back without life threatening burns if it was in fact hot enough to ignite his shoes and tripod legs. Still crazy to be standing on a volcano though.
I’m putting this here for everyone to see how pathetic zionist propagandists can be, and not because you demanded easily verifiable facts be spoon fed to you:
Takes 2 seconds to Google and click on the first link to wiki. You can read everything there, and click on the references tab near the bottom for the official ICC website links.
There is no genocide, there is no official source for that. War is bad, but this is not a genocide.
The International Criminal Courts and the UN declared Isreal guilty of extermination (genocide), among a plethora of other war crimes/crimes against humanity.
Both states are traumatized. It’s time to come together.
Give me a fucking break. One state is subsidized by American taxpayers, receiving about $5 billion per year ($18 billion this year alone) from the US to rain terror on the other, steal their land, and exterminate them over the course of almost a century.
We hanged Nazis at Nuremberg for the same thing Isrealis have been doing. Collaborators were rounded up and shot. There is no coming together after (or during) a genocide.
Israel received an official support for by the UN for setting up a state.
And that was how many years ago, like 75? The UN and the ICC declared Isreal guilty of extermination, among other crimes against humanity, just this year. It’s messed up it took them this long to do it.
So which do you refer to as “indigenous Palestinian”?
Spoken like a holocaust denier being intentionally thick.
And swimming in South West sauce. (Before they changed the recipe)
Manager: “Why do you want to work here?”
Dude: “Trying to bang a co-worker.”
Manager: “At least you’re not just here for the paycheck. Welcome aboard!”