• 14 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It really is that simple. Sure the big box stores hire local but the money doesn’t stay local if there are no smaller shops. Their paychecks go to other large corporations that have their big box stores in the area. So no money actually helps the businesses but instead just enriches a small group of people that really don’t give a shit about the people of the town.

    This isn’t a guilt trip to get you to buy local, this is the truth. It’s been happening since the 80’s starting with Walmart.

    Small business can’t compete on price but a good business will compete and win on quality. It means that their products will be more expensive and I get that some people will not be able to afford it. But for those people that have the means its a win-win for the business and the consumer.

    Some small businesses have shady employment practices, so do large corporations and every sized business in between. This isn’t a good argument not to try to buy more locally, but it is a good argument for better labor laws.

    Basically, local Butcher baker and green grocer.

    So local butcher’s, bakers and green grocers somehow get a pass on possibly having shady employment practices?

    Aren’t you advocating then that people are taking from the pension plans of large grocery stores by buying local ?

  • I think we are talking about leadership at different points of time.

    The leader that America needs right now is someone to articulate and draw people together behind the idea of “Throwing the bums out” and in that context there is a large coalition of people that agree with that sentiment.

    What happens after the bums are gone is where the in-fighting and purity tests start to take hold. But having the opportunity to argue about whether Leader A’s policy of taxing the billionaires at 90% vs. Leader B’s policy of 70% tax rate on them would be a welcomed change.

  • I completely agree that we can’t blindly blame this on election fraud, that is a form of denial. Which I will admit is part of my Tinfoil hat rant above.

    But if there are credible sources that are stating they have doubts about the legitimacy of the results there should be an investigation. Note, this isn’t really about this past election, I know of no evidence that shows fraud only slight rumblings from “unknown sources” which isn’t legitimate to me.

    My concern is that the Stop the Steal movement, that was using weak or even made up evidence to support their cause has made future allegations less likely to be taken seriously.

  • trump isn’t a strong leader, he’s a very accomplished con artist.

    He allows people to project their vision of who he is on him.

    You say I’m christian? Sure I’ll pretend I am

    You say I’m anti abortion? Sure I’ll pretend that I am

    You say I’m for the little guy? Sure, I’ll pretend that I care about them

    You say I’m anti-vax? Sure, I’ll tell you that I am

    You say I’m the second coming of Christ? Okay, I’m good with you thinking that about me

    You say I’m a strong patriot? Sure, I’ll hug the flag and say the words you need me to say

    He is everything to everyone of his supporters because he never tells them that they are wrong about who he is.

    A strong leader is someone that has strong convictions and articulates them in a way that resonates with the population. They are not people that waffle in their ideals, you either like their stance or you don’t. Smart ones will adjust their ideas over time but they do this from a strong ideological foundation. Some are genuinely good people like MLK, jr. others are more despotic. What America needs is one or two genuinely good strong leaders.

  • we voted for this

    <Tinfoil hat>

    Did we? There are some suspicions of voter fraud in some swing states and it sure as hell isn’t below musk to attempt something like that.

    Yet, I think that the past MAGA crazies screaming about “election fraud” and “stop the steal” has poisoned the well for legitimate future calls for investigating potential fraud in elections. On top of that it also makes people that question the results sound like the crazies of the past.

    It could explain why trump is allowing so much power to musk.

    </Tinfoil hat>

    Source: I have no source. It’s all feels over reals and a partial lack of acceptance that so many American people are that dumb.

  • I don’t think that there is a tactical thought to people wanting to vandalize Teslas. I think that there is a true sense of helplessness on not being able to do anything to stop these fuckers. So in in the place of something more substantial the anger and frustration is being taken out on something associated with musk

    Is it right? Probably not. Is it understandable, yes

  • So if this passes then the next bill will be to force all women that marry to change their last name to reflect their husbands last name. This, of course will be part of a larger bill to outlaw gay marriage.

    And then when women decide to protest this by not getting married there will be an economic bill that will be passed that states unmarried women will be taxed at a higher rate - and they will use the excuse that we need to shore up the “traditional family” to fight against all this “God-less liberal brainwashing”.