I would, if the game wouldn't be so expensive 💀
<a rel="me" href="https://layer8.space/@helix">Mastodon</a>
I would, if the game wouldn't be so expensive 💀
8bitdo controllers are good. They care about making good input devices.
Do yourself a favor and just get a regular second monitor.
Embracer, Extend'er, Extinguish'er. I hardly know 'er.
Hope they also release another Little Inferno 😍
you just throw stuff into the fire and read your mail. At some point it will become a story about capitalism, but I won't spoil it here.
Tenet. I know, most people would be quick to dismiss this as a movie and a mediocre one at that.
Lol, you got me in the first half.
Sick. That excited me more than the GTA6 trailer. Hope they also release another Little Inferno 😍
Pay to pay games. Of course they fail, apart from when poor people play them in the hopes of making some pocket change. Most of them don't even have gameplay outside of the monetization.
Yes but I don't want to waste hours when my brain can't solve it in a few minutes if it's not the core gameplay (like with The Witness or Talos Principle). For example with Zelda BotW I looked up a solution to one or two of the shrines because I took half an hour and still didn't figure out the (very simple) solution.
What's wrong with imitation?
That's why after dying 3-4x I will do a quick research on how to die less. There's a limit to my trial and error in games.
it’s going to make things very difficult as my character will be super weak.
Who cares? That's a challenge.
Do you guys really spend hours of your day just researching on the internet how to play these games? Or do you just jump in and wing it?
I jump in, wing it and if I don't know how stuff works I quickly search it in the game's wiki or guide. Time spent figuring out how stuff works by trial and error is time I could play the game instead.
Counter Strike 2 has recently been released. Valorant and Overwatch also seems to fit the description.
What do you think about No Man's Sky after its redemption arc and Everspace 1+2?
Supernatural hi-fi semi-action adventure shooters like Control, Alan Wake or Death Stranding.
GW2 has gotten way better throughout the years.
You probably mean the party based instanciated MMORPG? Not many around of those, that's right.
I never finished all GW1 addons.
Here's a list: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mecha/comments/yb52yl/compilation_list_of_almost_all_mecha_games_for_pc/
Armored Core got a release in 2023 and seems to be good.
You can use the WSL2 to run Ansible on Windows. If that is already scary to you I wouldn't recommend running insecure beta software with internet access.