Pros: Can immediately suggest an alternate idea that was otherwise unexpected or could not be spurred by creative means. It gives invaluable help when dealing with writer’s block.
Cons: When relied upon solely or in great amounts, can easily make the writer dependent, predictable and lazy in the creative process.
It honestly bugs the fuck out of me how much I hate onions. I’m genuinely mad at all the delicious things I could try or make with them and I have to exclude them. I’ve tried caramelized, sauteed, fried, deep fried, raw, yellow, red, white, chopped, finely diced, blended, and all sorts of ways. Don’t get me wrong, I eat the dish they are in, but somehow I can taste them and it honestly bugs me.
It’s crazy to hear people hate this much on mushrooms and I think they are more of an aromatic and flavorful staple than onions.Umami flavor forever!