I just don’t understand how they jumped from version 7 to 24 …
I am a huge asocial nerd that lives in a hovel surrounded by vintage computers.
I just don’t understand how they jumped from version 7 to 24 …
Geez, did Tesla make the floor too?
It’s almost incomprehensible. This is historical, it will be in history books in a hundred years.
These people are incompetent on a scale barely understandable.
Thanks for the summary.
Ah, finally a reason to upgrade from Windows 7: to make sure the slop really gets into every nanosecond of human existence.
Ah, Coffiest is finally here.
“In a vastly overpopulated world, businesses have taken the place of governments and now hold political power. States exist merely to ensure the survival of huge trans-national corporations. Advertising has become hugely aggressive and by far the best-paid profession. Through advertising, the public is constantly deluded into thinking that the quality of life is improved by all the products placed on the market. Some of the products contain addictive substances designed to make consumers dependent on them. However, the most basic elements of life are incredibly scarce, including water and fuel.” This in 1952. Mad Men indeed.
I’m just sitting here laughing by myself in my miserable densified cardboard shack I live in.
A quote from the book:
“each sample of Coffiest contains three milligrams of a simple alkaloid. Nothing harmful. But definitely habit-forming. After ten weeks the customer is hooked for life. It would cost him at least five thousand dollars for a cure, so it’s simpler for him to go right on drinking Coffiest - three cups with every meal and a pot beside the bed at night, just as it says on the jar.”
Apparently that book is from 1978. Exercise for the reader: find the similarities between 1978 and now…
Everything. Even pet food, I can see the changes, the canned paté my cat enjoyed used to be like a terrine in the can, now it’s a loose watery mess.
Fucking. It’s right there.
It’s called Usenet.
Uh huh, but collecting Blurays is just silly I’ve been told.
It’s a uniparty and it’s not there to help you, prole.
I came back from the mall, they had one of those little trains for kids. The locomotive had two incredibly bright 6000K (blue-white) headlights. What for? You’re in a mall. It’s lit. You’re going 2 km/h. It’s just cheap one size fits all Aliexpress junk. Not a single thought went into the selection of these abominations.
If you need extra lights in summer, in daytime, on a cloudless noon, you shouldn’t be riding a vehicle. What gives you the right to blind and annoy oncoming pedestrians and drivers because of your misguided paranoia?
And typically, from my observations, the people crowing about biking being dangerous and they need safety … wear earbuds. Sure, seal off one of your senses and then complain about safety. We biked for decades without piercingly blinding Cree LEDs taped on our bodies 24/7.
Not just cars, goofy cyclists too. Broad daylight, high noon on a cloudless summer day, somehow, cyclists need piercingly blinding bright little lamps on their handlebars. Or their helmets. Or their armbands. Or all at the same time. Cheap electronics from China make this possible. Backpacks. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing the other day, a guy dressed like a manga-ninja, all black with a face mask, and a backpack covered in LEDs.
I assume for that to happen, a significant portion of the American political system would be in trouble. It’s not so much that Trump is some unique phenomenon, it’s more like he’s not subtle about it. We’re being screwed every day by the leader class, they’re just quiet enough about it that most people go back to their NASCAR and high-fructose corn syrup snacks.