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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • The thing is that it’s difficult to even get a complete picture because they release so little data.

    One screenshot I saw had the PIID in the shot so I looked it up. Doofus indicated he saved $8.2M but that was the total amount for the outlay.

    The contract began in 2022 and had already paid out 80% the total $8.2M, meaning only $1.64M was actually “saved”.

    So I know for a fact that the values they’re reporting aren’t correct because they’re looking at these contracts and having no clue on how to actually read them.

    As for the SSN thing where we’re paying 150 year old social security. There’s likely another table with “in question” that has to be joined to get an actual number.

    When I worked for my state this is how we had some data. A master table that you then had to join like five or six exception tables to remove the “questionable” entries from the master.

    And on systems like AS400, EXCEPTION JOIN is a thing for a reason because the OS SQL engine has special ways to optimize these kinds of joins. So it’s likely this is the case here.

  • I saw him claim a $8.2M contract savings. Looked it up, was only a $1.6M. They are routinely inflating numbers because they have no idea how to read the data that’s in front of them.

    Contract was 12FPC222F0160. They just took the full awarded amount and ran with that, not seeing or not caring that it was opened in 2022 and had paid out 80% it’s outlay already.

    These people have no idea what they’re doing and they routinely display that lack of knowledge. There is no value of what Musk is posting that can possibly be treated as credible. This is likely why they keep not posting the full contract listing they cancel everyday. They have no idea how to read these things. They’re just picking the largest number on the screen.

  • Any drug that might be used for abortions, a broad class of vaccinations……

    I mean this is how it starts. This is how eventually they tell you what you can and can’t do with your own body.

    Before you know it they’ll come after SSRIs, vaccines that have “lead”, any vaccine that might cause injury, elective surgeries that deal with reproduction, and so on.

    Because when they know they can get away with this, it makes them bolder in their schemes.

    I find it unsurprising but fascinating that the group routinely known for yelling slippery slope is nowhere to be found. It’s like they didn’t give an actual shit to begin with.

  • Fucking CyberTruck like fucking pile of shit website. What kills me the most is that the fucking things they’re screenshoting, those pages have literal “export to XML” buttons that they could fucking export, save the XML to some shared drive that gets swept, and the put it in some actually secure database.

    This whole fucking thing reeks of some fucking weeb ass Roblox hackers whose last project consisted of Lua Script emulating some fucking redstone calculator they wrote in Minecraft. And the export fuction on the thing? It’s just one dimension SUM function CSV exports. Literally no other dimenstions of values to add, shit I would be fucking surprised if a single one of the people writing the goddamn have ever heard of OLAP.

    And to top it off, we already have a fucking website that does what this fucking place does, but 846 decillion times better. And it doesn’t have a fucking Instagram esque reel of Tweets of people taking fucking screenshots of an open database.

    I can’t wait till the next dumbass gets into the White House and turns this pile of grabage off. Paying these idiots millions to power and run the hardware this pitiful excuse of a website runs on. And all we got for that money is some shit that is about on par as the shit you get from some O’Reilly book called “Building a Government Website Crash Course” with a Bald Eagle dying of bird flu on the cover.

    This fucking idiot maybe wants to fucking learn what the hell SQL is.

  • Once all of this damage is done there will be people who wonder why they can never get ahead in life. Why so many roads towards wealth have been cut off from them.

    The days from the 80s to today, especially this recent event, are what lead to it. But sadly they’ll be so uneducated that even this they will not understand.

    Like being in a prison whose walls you cannot see and whose bars you cannot feel. There is no greater wealth than education, no greater poverty than ignorance.

  • Smart thing would be to completely agree with Trump. Get $100T in military might, defeat Russia, get call from US about new rare earth metals, and then just be like “I’m sorry, who dis?”

    I mean what are they going to do, invade Ukraine? Didn’t you hear, they got $100T in military supplies to back them up.

    Trump always forgetting that some of this shit don’t ROI till way longer than he’ll be around. If Ukraine has any sense, they’ll send a giant gold plate W for Trump’s win, if he promises tanks and planes. They keep saying the wars ongoing for the next fifty years for all it matters. And if the US wants that metal upfront be like, “Yeah y’all come on in and mine it yourselves, don’t let us get in your way.” Then oops, sorry we bombed that, thought it was Russia.

    Like Trump thinking he’s walking with some massive upset and it’s just Ukraine court to play ball how they want. Shit yeah Ukraine “agrees” to whatever.

  • Digital circuits. Went to college for Electromechanical engineering. Got really into digital circuits.

    Got out of college and pretty much fell into computer programming. Fast forward several decades and I finally land a job with same hours and good pay with life in a semi stable state.

    Decide to hobby my enjoyment for digital circuits. Fucking chip shortage happens and getting MCUs and GALs (among others) become harder to get.

    It’s slowly gotten better, but it had me asking if the universe didn’t want me doing digital circuits.

  • I remember my sophomore year in High School a friend walked up to me and we got to talking and then they ask “so are you planning anything for homecoming?”. I just replied “nah. I’m not really into football and I think I have to work that night anyway.” And they were like “Okay well cool.”

    Fast forward 35 years, I tell this story to a friend and they said “so did they ask you out anyway?” And I was like “No, I… WAIT! Is that what they were getting at? It actually flew over my head? Holy shit!” And it took a whole 35 years before I finally realized it.

    In all fairness though, I had a lot going on at that point in my life. My mother two years earlier had passed away from a three year battle with cancer and my father had left us orphan about three weeks later. I was still processing shit with the whole foster care and nobody else in my god forsaken family wanting to take me or my siblings in.

    Oh and I never got with the person because like maybe four months later I had to move to another foster family (which side note: I eventually had to leave that other family too because the parents were that weird religious abusive kind and I got pulled during a welfare check to go elsewhere) which meant a change in schools (had to change schools yet again after that second family). Something, something the foster care dad got arrested with a DUI, something something, you can’t keep kids in your house. But you know looking back maybe it was for the best because it would have sucked to have to move after developing emotions for someone.

  • Some have suggested that the Deep State is already seeking to undermine Trump’s second presidency by plotting a civil war or scheming ways to prevent him from entering the White House

    Because they are, and this is the really important part, FUCKING IDIOTS WHO SAY DUMB SHIT.

    This is the shit that gets me upset. Back in the early 90s there was this group online, had an IRC chat room and everything, that would wax prophetic about pyramids, exotic matter, the Kennedy’s, and the Pentagon. NO ONE FUCKING WROTE ARTICLES ABOUT THEIR DUMB ASSES. Because they were idiots.

    “Some have suggested” WHO?! Name and shame or shut the fuck up about it. Articles like this just fucking make idiots look bonafide. This isn’t an us vs them situation. This is like eight people who are detached from reality saying crazy ass shit and some outlet reporting it on a slow news day.

    I swear one day, I hope, media will see how fucking twisted they themselves have made this god-forsaken planet. What they draw from it, I know not what, but hopefully a bit of “damn maybe we should chill a bit” is in the cards.