Last action hero. I think the people don’t understand that the film does it all on purpose.
It is a love letter to action movies while acknowledging that those are stupid.
Back to rocking the suburbs.
I disagree that we should do that.
Internet became a shit show the second everyone got a smartphone and the barrier to entry evaporated.
Needing to put in some effort to participate is a good filter for low effort people and their low effort worldviews.
I was a lurker on reddit for years. Then the Niveau of the conversations sunk so much that I had the feeling I could participate too.
After that I just lost the fear of what the responses could be to what I say.
I agree with you that it is useful in the context of finding information.
But the way people use them seems more like a prison then a guideline.
Is it though? How?
I don’t get why labels are so important to people.
If other people label you, they think you have to act a certain way.
If you label yourself, you think you have to act a certain way.
“I like what I like” why does it have to be more complicated than that?
Jupp. When I was a child my parents always scolded me for showering so long.
I was building momentum for the day.
When that person wrote “something” they obviously meant something useful.
I think the Internet would be a better place if people would give a reason to why they believe something.
That way people could get a bit more informed about the subject and make rational decisions based on nuance.
So it seems that this will be it own thing. You play as preset heroes, the level change between sessions and has a focus on coop.
I think nightreign is to elden ring what legends mode was to ghost of Tsushima.
A good move in my opinion. With the mangas they showed that they are not scared to make something non-canon.
I often had the thought that they should make a PvP arena standalone. You can choose from all the skills and weapons and such from across the games and balance for that and focus on netcode.
Someone able to make this with Luigi’s face?
To not think about stuff is, normally, nothing to brag about.