I didn’t want to get into the weeds so much deep in the comments on Lemmy, but here we are:
For example, they don’t count anything listed only as “protein” as protein because they don’t trust the manufacturer not to lie on the label.
I don’t think it’s fair to call this a bias. If it was real protein, they would proudly put what kind on the label so it’s likely something like textured soy protein.
Given that this site gets literally all of their information from the manufacturer’s label, I’m sure you see why that’s a problem.
As I understand it, she’s gotten a lot of her information from the data sheets sent to larger distributors like chewy.com as well, which are much more accurate and provide additional information not included on the packaging, such as the amount of ash and carbs.
Their information is also just plain wrong on some accounts, such as labeling Royal Canin as “significantly lower carbs than average” while most experts agree the opposite is true.
If you had actually read what was written, it says, “of 51 products, only 10 had fewer carbs than average”. Perhaps it is poorly worded, but the implication there is 80% of the products are actually higher carbs than average.
The reason they get these wrong is due to a flawed methodology.
Again, they got it right. You just didn’t read it correctly.
With all of that being said, you should be using that side as a recommendation for where to start, and if you are taking your pet food choices seriously, you should do your own research by figuring out the most current dry matter basis values for the particular food you’re looking at.
Here is an article that explains how to do that: https://endocrinevet.blogspot.com/2014/01/how-to-calculate-carbohydrate-and.html
I personally use this handy online calculator to speed up the math a little bit: https://balance.it/convert
The catch is unless you know the exact ash content, which is almost never listed on the packaging sold to consumers, you have to guess, which greatly distorts the total carbohydrates. The best way I have found to get the exact ash content it to just go to chewy.com and look at the consumer questions because someone has likely already asked and use that value, or ask the question yourself and chewy will respond within a day or two.
Also, since at the end of the day these dry matter basis values are completely arbitrary unless you have something to compare them against, I recommend looking at data sheets put together by zoos where they have identified the dry matter basis of various prey species for use in feeding at zoos.
My take on the subject is you want (in dry matter basis) a breakdown of something like 66-75% protein 25-33% fat and as little ash and carbs as you can get. Wet foods typically don’t have much ash. Dry foods have a lot more. Cats are obligate carnivores so they should have zero carbohydrates.
It’s legit. Her only fault is the data is always slightly out of date because pet food manufacturers are always changing their recipes, which change the dry matter basis values and warnings about ingredients.
It’s all explained on her about page, but basically she has painstakingly built up the database by sourcing everything herself and accepting some community input. I personally have emailed to have things updated.
Royal Canine is a cat food horrible brand. https://catfooddb.com/brand/royal canin
Somehow, inflation returned
Definitely. I’m not great on the specifics, but I remember as far back as him blocking Supreme Court nominees under Obama because it was an election year, and then allowing Trump to do the same thing.
Moscow Mitch? I doubt it
Why do they have a little side flippers as well as arms? 🤔
Fuck I had to stop watching after the bit with his dog. That’s heartbreaking
I think an interesting way to define the greatest game of all time would be a game that captures your attention the longest and provides the largest variety of ways to play.
To that end, I would say StarCraft 1.
My personal reasoning is I love games that have user generated content to keep you coming back to enjoy fresh experiences. StarCraft 1 had a game mode called use map settings where you could play maps made using the built-in level editor. There was enough complexity in the level editor that basically the sky was the limit.
You want to play a tower defense? StarCraft 1. You want to play an RPG? Which franchise do you want to play, cause a lot of them are on StarCraft 1. You want to play an action adventure game? StarCraft 1. The list goes on lol
I’ve never personally played it, but I feel like another example of this would be Roblox and another one that I have would be Gary’s mod.
I’m surprised nobody mentioned the real heroes that day; the first responders who are still dealing with the consequences of helping that day https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_arising_from_the_September_11_attacks
That I don’t recall. It’s just the only photo I could find online. I cropped an eBay photo
I recall having to buy it separately. I was pretty annoyed about that as a day one adopter. Here’s what the packaging looked like:
They won’t have his coloring book versions of the briefings so he isn’t interested lol
There was also a documentary way back in 2006 called Hacking Democracy that showed Diebold voting machines that are still in use today could be hacked: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacking_Democracy
I’m not sure what you’re getting at. I’m simply sharing news that there are other independent parties requesting recounts for reasons unrelated to anything Stephen Spoonamore was alleging. Even if we really did find proof, I fully believe the supreme court would do the same thing they did in 2000 with Bush vs Gore and stop the recount to ensure Trump stays president.
EDIT: Now that I’ve posted it though, I see it was already posted elsewhere, and I just missed it apparently.
I can’t believe I’m about to suggest this, but use a YouTube short version since those don’t have ads.
The internet continues to be a humbling experience lol. I literally had this same thought when reading the comic, and I wasn’t even looking for it in the comments because I thought it was too obscure