How about the majority of comments asking what this means, and nobody answering?
How about the majority of comments asking what this means, and nobody answering?
The Americans are up!
Calling an unloaded gun loaded, is not responsible. With peoples willingness to deduct dangerous theories, they will conclude that if a gun is loaded even when its not, then i can as well keep it loaded at all times.
The mods and admins are the real risk. Not saying that they are, but they can very likely become the ones who ruin lemmy
So cool, so wise!
Irrelevant and foreseeable ‘news’
The difference here is free choice
I understand. It’s just that even the videos themselves have ads and are loaded with product placement and paid content, not to mention the low quality of most videos. I am just surprised that people actually do pay for it, instead of finding something else to do.
I know, it is the reason why I don’t watch YouTube. I am just surprised that their tactic of gradually increasing the amount and duration of ads, worked!
Must be 50-60 people right? Who pays for premium??
Are we making up nicknames for states now?
This is how civil wars start…
The guys you want to trust with good sources… /s
But it sounds like he can’t drop JD. It is not an option and i am sure someone would have told him this, if it was his plan
So… americans will defend the right to have guns… but get shot by secret service for having guns…
Definite signs of the supreme leader!
I didn’t know he played golf! /s
It seems like many in here dont realise that you can be gay and masculine at the same time.
Fish lore was great until i got banned for offering to help. No discussion or chance to appeal. Its run by a bunch of abusive idiots if you ask me. The forum and users are great though.
Not to mention the tipping point where it is no longer reversible. And even worse, the huge effect that the current has on basically the whole of the globe!