One thing people don’t seem to grasp in many different situations is the vastness of the US. Most states are bigger than a lot of countries. You can fit several European countries into some of the biggest US states.
One thing people don’t seem to grasp in many different situations is the vastness of the US. Most states are bigger than a lot of countries. You can fit several European countries into some of the biggest US states.
Most bikes now cost about $100 brand new at the store unless you’re buying some specialty shit. Less likely to kill is if both people are on bikes, should have been obvious.
Oh. OH! I’m taking the bait. Bravo. I still think you’re retarded for being a troll on the Internet when there’s so much else you could be doing, but good job rustling my jimmies.
God damn. That’s honestly one of the dumbest fucking takes I’ve seen, and we’re living in Trump 2.0. You’re impressively unintelligent.
So just to be clear, you think it’s crazy that I know a name from the article? That’s what you’re saying? Definitely retarded.
The cloud is one of the worst industry terms ever created. Old people still have zero concept and ability to understand how it works. Just had to deal with this with a grandmother who “backed up everything to the cloud before I reset it!”
It’s so painfully good.
Tons of research says you’re wrong. Psychopaths and other people with mental issues that diminish their ability to have empathy are absolutely more successful in business than their counterparts. Because capitalism is could, cruel, and uncaring about anyone or anything.
I’m truly failing to think of any major game publisher not making money from children gambling. Nintendo does it, so do Sony and Microsoft. Unless it’s an indie publisher with a small handful of games, basically every single company is guilty of this.
Ryan Cohen is cunt who talks like a valley girl, the fuck would he know about anything.
I am? I’m not a mod, you and he can do as you please, I’ll do likewise. 😘
Fair point, however the family in question won’t be as ignorantly cruel to a son. They’ll probably fuck him up in some other ways, but at least not ones that cause him daily constant dread and depression.
Also I hope things get better for your mental state, I’m sure you’re far more attractive than you believe, just like my wife and the girl in OP.
The main characters aren’t left and the villains aren’t right; it’s just that leftists are generally decent people and the right is actually, no hyperbole, nazis.
It’s pretty clear after reading enough comments that you just aren’t interested in trying anything outside of your incredibly narrow selection of RTS and point and click games. That being said virtually every point you bring up is a non-issue with New Vegas because of the incredible mod library. Hell, I’m sure there’s a collection of mods to turn New Vegas into a top down RTS if you look. Just wanted to point out that bringing things up point by point will be an eternity because New Vegas is so customizable, you’ll save yourself time by just saying you don’t have interest in trying out new things you aren’t already experienced with.
Brother, New Vegas is one of the greatest games ever created. There are probably a hundred hours worth of video essays on YouTube about why this game is a masterpiece. There’s a reason it has one of the biggest and still active Nexus Mods page. There’s a reason there’s an active online multiplayer mod of this game that came out in 2009. It’s fucking good.
You’re right, but also, they weren’t faking it. My wife is gorgeous, but every single day we’ve been together she’s announced how fat and ugly she is (she’s neither). It’s a deep mental issue and they really believe that shit. Usually it’s caused by their parents at a young age. My wife’s family is really really gross with young girls. They all start playing in make-up by the age of 2. I’ve already seen it in her poor niece, calling herself ugly… She’s 4 and already has a completely fucked up mentality about beauty and her role in society. It’s soul crushing, and I knew it was going to happen the second she was born. I fear for us having a daughter and them doing this to her enough when I’m not around that she is affected the same way. I really hope I have a son for this reason, honestly.
I love my wife but she’s totally hypocritical about this. Couldn’t care less about any game story I think is deep and engaging, but wants me to know about all about Onyx Storm and Throne of Glass.
True in many situations, but American society isn’t like that. They want you in seven places in 5 hours all miles and miles apart. Busy busy busy!