• 1 Post
Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2025


  • but the reality is that the country is massive and you need an incredible organizing effort to offer any real, organized resistance.

    That’s no problem.
    The protests that brought down East Germany weren’t that much organized at first. People went to the street every monday and that was it. Internet and instant messenger didn’t exist back then. Most didn’t even had a telephone at home and TV was censored by the state.
    Children were pretty successful too. The whole worldwide protest grew from a single child.

    The USA is big, yes, but the population live in the cities not in between them.

    Now you know what to do:
    Pick a day and go protest every week on that day in your city. Politics eventually will feel the pressure.

  • I repeat: Live thrived under much harsher conditions in the past. It will not suddenly die out. I find your pessimism unfounded. I’m sure humankind will exist for at least another millennium.

    Ocean acidification will not kill all algae. They existed for much longer than most other forms of live. They survived the +14 °C 300 million years ago, guess how acid the oceans were back then. Also about 300 million years ago oxygen levels in the atmosphere peaked at about 35 % indicating a very strong production by plants. The algae species from back then are still alive today!

  • Watch Sabine Hossenfelder’s videos about climate models on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4S9sDyooxf4

    +3 °C just means that the average temperature on Earth increased by that on average. There are places where the increase is higher and there are places where the temperature dropped. And then there are other places where the weather will be more violent than it was in the past.
    The melting of permafrost in Russia that keeps methane trapped will probably be a problem in the future but that’s still several decades or even a century away. The release of methane will not kill us. But it might kill a lot of species.

    It’s not the temperature that’s the problem, it’s the rate of change. Flora and fauna can’t adapt that fast. 10 000 years would be enough time to adapt to +3 °C but it’ll happen within only a 150 years time span.

    Humans on the other hand will just install an air con and be done with ‘adapting’. Some coastal areas will be flooded and some hot places on Earth will be too hot for humans but everywhere else will stay ‘ok’.

    Live on Earth will survive. There were times when temperature and atmosphere conditions were way more extreme and even toxic for humans. But the dinosaurs thrived in that conditions!

  • It seems a move that’s not only intended to help Ukraine repel Russia, but end defense dependence on the US, on the premise that the partner no longer is reliable.

    Which is a good thing IMO. From this side of the large pond the USA looks more and more like a bully on par with Russia and China.

    East of UA is fucked for decades but Russia is fucked too. Both countries burnt through quite a lot of their arsenal from Soviet times and struggle to keep their troops supplied. UA has it easier because the European countries help with weapons, munitions and other equipment.

    Unfortunately Russia can sustain the current attrition rate by another 5-10 years before the situation becomes truly unbearable for them. My fear is that by then the UA might have collapsed.

    The best case scenario is that Putin dies shortly and his successor ends this stupid war.

  • In university we were taught C programming. We started with simple things like loops and stuff. After a while the topic processes, threads & stuff came up and of course we were instructed to use that.

    In the computer lab there where only thin clients so everything actually ran on the server.

    A good friend of mine - not know what was about to happen - entered:

    while (true) {

    Astoundingly it took a whole minute until the server froze. 🤣
    That was the same server most of the school stuff ran on. So nearly everything went down. 😂
    He got scolded by the sysadmin the next day but nothing serious happened.