Should have just inherited some money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Should have just inherited some money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8.1 was actually a massive improvement though, I doubt they’re even capable of pulling that off for 11, much less willing. 11 is flawed deeply to the core, 8 was “only” flawed on the surface (UI etc.)
On a military style folding bed, without a blanket and a gas mask on.
(I was renovating my current apartment, it was 4 o’clock in the morning and there were too many particles in the air to breathe without a filter.)
I’m sorry, you’re out of graphics.
As I said, specific “applications” :D
Some applications need very specific drivers and protocols that aren’t compatible with normal chips. Or you have to connect to a device via WiFi but still need internet. Also long range WiFi antennas are amazing.
Yeah, I totally get that there is a need for cheap power only cables, but why are there what feels like 30 different data “standards”. Just gimme power-only, data, and fast-data. And yeah, in 2 years there’ll be a faster data protocol, so what, that’s then fast-data24, fast-data26, etc. and manufacturers have to use a specific pictogram to label them according to the highest standard they fulfill.
I fully agree, some people just need the extra clarification though
At the store I’m at it’s handled pretty nice, we won’t stop anyone under a very low amount (single digit €) and above that it’s very dependent on your behaviour + how much you tried to steal, so you might just have to pay a 50€ fine without police involvement.
And only if the corporation is big enough. Don’t steal from your local corner store.
And also, don’t steal for profit.
I work at a hardware store, and if you steal some small shit like a file/screwdriver/whatever, you’re good. If I see you stealing 5k in light fixtures, tools, and batteries, I’ll get my bonus thank you very much.
About the example by OTP of his issue that they remove the scales next to the coffee, in relation to being the store manager, considering how little commercial scales cost, while also acknowledging that different stores (franchised or not, size of company vs size of the store) can impact the managers ability to provide such improvements to their customers.
It depends on the size of the company in relation to the store. And yep, franchised means the owner has got to pay for improvements outside of the franchise contract. But still, our scales are accurate to 0.05g, which is overkill for food, and “only” around 7-10k per, if you only have to be accurate to 1g, they shouldn’t be more than 1-2k.
That’s what managers are for tho. Yeah, don’t bitch to the cashier, they have no say, managers tho? (Competent) managers can influence corporate to a degree, especially with tiny things like a scale.
Nazi ideology is never an opinion. It’s a threat to human rights and democracy.
Slavery, human trafficking and child labour:
Toxic waste killing animals:
Labour violations, stealing land:
What. You do realize that China has made multiple extortionist contacts with African nations in exchange for infrastructure, while they get mining rights and no supervision to continue their slavery? Depending on the source they have like twice as much mining capacity compared to all Western nations combined.
Proprietary spare parts. The motors might be off the shelf so you could grab parts from a different manufacturer. But controllers and batteries are usually proprietary making repairs much more complicated and cost-inefficient
I rest my case your honor.