Well well well
Well well well loss
Art by: @mowendesigns A Beautiful link to their DeviantArt
Well well well
Well well well loss
Bravo Tango 7274, going dark
Bluebee knew it was gonna be interesting
If you ever change your mind:
Step 1: Create a file in iCloud
Step 2: Choose this File as Vault in Obsidian
Step 3: Profit
You mean all the other methods that exist that can be implemented with ease? My friends have their notes on iCloud to sync, I amuse syncthing, others use GitHub. There is a lot of choice, they just offer an easy alternative way to do it
I truly is evolving with me. I’m no power user, but I’ve been using it for the last two years. Eh e I am at school it’s where I take my classes notes. When I needed to write to myself it was also there. I have it synched between my two computers and my phone. And it is where I put my documents like CV’s and Excels I share. It’s not directly Obsidian doing all of this. But basically it becomes a Hub of all I do.
Recently I started saving more pages online that are important as notes in Obsidian and still find new usage of Obsidian
I agree with you on that, especially since they added that you when you reload your weapon you have no mags. But more than once have I heard from people that play at very high level that the game and new agents are more Arcady than what the game was at its origin. Although now that they keep on nerfing everything that exsts the game is becoming more and more rigid and Tactical
Had the thought yesterday that Ubisoft is sitting on so many Bangers for multiple Niches. R6 is in between an Arcade game and a Tactical Competitive Game, curious to see where it’ll turn with X.
They have Trackmania which has like 70.000 People paying 20$ a Year to play the game and one of the best racing games on the market.
They have the best Medieval Fighting game (In my personal opinion) With For Honor and the “Art of War” tech that they under-utilize
Yet when it comes to the biggest markets they are crashing with their Far Cry’s at every sauce.
Like a Fancy GoPro with an alternative usebase?
I really like this idea, although knowing Kodak and looking at their olders products in the 00’s they would try to make an ergonomic product, but in a very specefic way to them. Kind of the Xperia route
Holy crap, there is actually a market of 4k video doorbells, why do you need so much pixels for a doorbell 😭 ain’t 2k good enough or even 1080p
Tupperware also is in the same position as Pyrex right mow
I would expect the same to be honest, with a focus on a 300~500$ Phone market
That would be a cool product to be made
You are right, it is partially incorrect. If they wanted to become as big as they where before by selling a new product with their image, what would you await from them
HOLY I closed that callout faster than anything I have before
Thank you so much!
This took me 4 hours when I could have studied Corporate Finance
I’d say the Net Présent Value of this project was worth it
Thank you very much!
Wow, I knew those that made Outer World yet didn’t link to Avowed being their game