Full time Midwestern Cat Rancher. Part time Network Engineer (Have to pay for the ranch).
Ugh I hate the flu. Hopefully it’s just a false alarm. Yay! On her cancer screening though!
My field office is literally in a cave. I love it.
I’m sitting waiting at mine for UPS to show up with my new laptop. Hoping it’s a quiet day.
Still waiting on one. Any minute now.
I hate insurance.
Great article. Thanks for sharing!
For now.
I don’t know. Can you use language to say and or imply anything you want? Yes, yes you can.
What do you think causes Satan to have a bad day in Hell?
You can’t call this a coup! They made free speech illegal.
How we spent our Sunday afternoon. Kings of Soul at the Kaufman Center in Kansas City, MO.
I love this idea, thank you!
I wear Bluetooth earbuds that go around my neck. I get flanged earbuds. These help block out more sound than regular earbuds.
Attach it to a drone.
I’m picturing a big screen on the old school TV carts.
That’s awesome! I tried ice skating once as a teenager. It, it didn’t go well.
Sinister reasoning with plain incompetence.
You know the answer to this problem.
Literally was listening to NPR on the way to work that day and Rumsfield was on talking about making cuts to the military.
Depends on the trivia. Sports not so much. Random everything else yes.