Android… Best of both worlds…
Android… Best of both worlds…
So it is a conflict and not a "special military operation"?
I'm pretty sure it has been proved that the weapons supplied by the US dismisses the importance of Putin.
Slovakia will ending their support for Ukraine isn’t a problem as to what will happen when the US and EU stops supporting Slovakia.
The amount of money the US and EU has poured into Slovakia the last ten twenty years is far from insignificant.
If Slovakia decides to stop believing in Europe then Europe will stop believing in Slovakia.
Windows does that automatically when switching from Linux to Windows… 😁
The article you’re linking to starts with security researchers who installed their own backdoor which went undetected. Then it continues with a warning about the dangers of not being able to check if the firmware actually is a firmware actually from the vendor and not a manipulated one.
While I’m pro open source and agree that there are dangers not knowing what firmware is used I fail to see how an open source firmware / bios world be immune to be switched out.
What am I missing here?
Du you have any like about bios and sloppy engineering that I can read up on
Yup. Just like my Nexus 10. Even though no one loves it I still do…
I second this. Here in Sweden we used to have a movie site where they applied some magic to the calculation and presented how you would rate a movie on a scale 1-5 and they were always correct within ±1 point. So fx a 3 could be either 2, 3 or 4 etc etc. While the site still exists it has seen better days so RT had been my go-to site for movie scores and reviews.
Oh… More unsubstantiated claims from you… Well … have a nice Friday evening.
I just love how you end with “I have zero reason to listen to you” when no one has claimed such a thing and you were the one choosing to do the listening.
All of this because of me pointing out that WHO still claims that there is a daily amount of aspartame that is safe to consume and that the only thing you can prove is that something is unsafe and not the other way around.
By the way… If you think we should avoid aspartame because there is a suspicion that it might cause cancer I can imagine what you think about sugar, animal fat and protein which there is actual proof that it can cause everything from heart disease to cancer.
You use a (heavily questioned) statement of an organization as a base for your claims when the organization explicitly doesn’t support your conclusion. It’s a fact that WHO still claims there is no dangers consuming the recommended daily amount.
The method used on rats to estimate the dangers is the method used when estimating dangers every other substances. So the argument is valid as long as you claim that every other substance cause cancer.
Then you end up nibbling on edges of the classic “the great aspartame conspiracy” but what you totally miss that “big sugar” is even more powerfull…
The statement you think is supporting your belief is actually saying the opposite. WHO specifically does not claim that aspartame cause cancer.
However, what they did state is there was no reason to change the recommended acceptable daily intake level of 40 mg per kg of body weight per day .
Also, The FDA disagrees with IARC’s (what you refer to as WHO) conclusion that these studies support classifying aspartame as a possible carcinogen to humans. FDA scientists reviewed the scientific information included in IARC’s review in 2021 when it was first made available and identified significant shortcomings in the studies on which IARC relied. FDA also pointed out that JECF (also WHO) did not raise safety concerns for aspartame under the current levels of use and did not change the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI).
So yeah… Just believing journalists trying to click bait you is probably more likely to give you cancer than following the recommendation from WHO regarding daily intake of aspartame.
Your reasoning is on level with religious people claiming that atheists have to prove that god doesn’t exist.
How do you prove that you are not a murderer?
I got curious about the last statement in the article about war crimes and wanted to find information on what war crimes the division was responsible for.
According to Wikipedia there has been numerous investigations which all (as I understood it) has been unsuccessful in finding hard evidence.
Now, I’m not defending Nazis and I’m not saying this division was nice in any way or not guilty of war crimes. I’m just concluding that most things in life are not just black or white.
So the method has passed animal testing… What are the next steps in your opinion?
There is a risk I’m wrong but… I’m pretty sure that if something is released into the Japanese part of the Pacific ocean it’s not contained within the Japanese borders…
So it’s only when it comes to the right to bear arms that the constitution actually matters?
As a non US citizen living in Europe US Republican things are confusing to say the least… 😂
As long as 99.9999999% of Android users use Google Android it won't matter that 0.0000001% doesn't.