This is not a trolly problem. Insurance companies are companies ir they are designed to maximize profit. That is the problem. The objective of insurance companies is to make a profit not save people’s lives.
This is not a trolly problem. Insurance companies are companies ir they are designed to maximize profit. That is the problem. The objective of insurance companies is to make a profit not save people’s lives.
Just honestly asking Im not a statistician. From a lay person looking high level this seems weird. The conclusion also does not match up with insurance prices that I’ve personally seen nor correspond with my experience.
I’m here for discussion not trying to put anyone down. Could someone just explain to me what I’m missing. No need to downvote. So if you take a non random sample of data how can you extrapolate that out so much? Does this data line up with other people’s data? What am I missing?
I think a lot of people would disagree with you about X. Objectively he bought the company for $44B and now it’s worth $9B that’s a huge loss. Most people attribute the decline to his “efficiency” measures. Basically losing all the good talent in his company causing a significant decline in users ( because of quality of service). His running of Twitter I think would be a better example of a failure.
That aside hypothetically even if X was doing well - How would the strategy / approach he used in a public company be good for government. These are two very different places?
A better question would be do you have any examples of him actually creating efficiencies? I don’t mean this in a condescending way but he did do a great job with Tesla but basically no where else. Every time he goes out of his wheelhouse it seems to end in disaster? Honestly I don’t follow him but it’s impossible not to hear about him. So can you elaborate on what his successes were and how’d that translate into making the government more efficient?
There are approximately 250 million cars on the road and they only used data from 8 million? That’s 3% of cars on the road to extrapolate into all the cars on the road. Seems like a huge flaw especially since we didn’t know how they got that subset. All seems like click bait as most articles related to Tesla are…
Another good way / better way to see what cars are dangerous are insurance rates. Since insurance companies take in way more data than 8M cars when determining rates.
This is just sad. Whether she lied about McDonald’s or not has no bearing at all on who I will vote for in the coming election. In the grand scheme of things this is meaningless. In fact if this is literally all that can be dug up about Harris it kind of speaks highly of her.
At the end of the day we all lose cause essentially elections are coming down to whoever is the lesser of two evils and not someone you stand behind.
Ok cool 😎
Yes, hence my comment. Maybe go back and read (all the words) from the top ;-)
From the Ashai website - “Asahi Linux is a work in progress. Many hardware components are not yet supported!”
Just be warned a lot of people have bricked or nearly bricked their computers just trying to get Ashai installed on their Mac. Daily driver this is not but they are making great progress! It will get there eventually.
I mean technically it does. Isn’t this the Ashai Linux and isnt it very Alpha / Beta stage? As far as I’m aware this is not recommended for anything critical ( per the project maintainers) and unless OP loves tinkering he is most likely going to hit a lot of unique edge case scenarios that require a lot of time to unwind. If you have a very narrow use case this might work but is probably not worth the headache.
Wait so how is it faulty and bad programming if it disengages when emergency vehicles are present? You’d prefer it to stay on in emergency situations?
Yeah sure if that’s what makes you happy… 👍. Nothing like blinding random people in cars in your spare time.
Ugh I know people feel strongly about FSD and Tesla. As some one who uses it ( and still pays attention hands on wheels when activated) when FSD is active as soon as it sees anything resembling emergency lights it will beep and clearly disengage. I am not sure, but it’s possible this person probably is just using Tesla as a scape goat for their own poor driving. However in my experience it will force the driver to take control when emergency lights are recognized specifically to avoid instances like this.
Docker as mentioned above is great especially if you're going down the homelab rabbit hole. You'll find it really useful to get familiar with for future projects.
Another alternative is to install DietPi. It's an operating system for a raspberry pi. It has all these programs you mentioned with install scripts including docker and installing (and updating) is as easy as checking a box. Also has a pretty good community in case you run into an edge case.
eBay is your friend, Shield came out about 9 years ago so lots on the used market. Also the phoning home for the paranoid can also be handled. Since it's been around for so long there's not a lot left someone hasn't already figured out. Maybe not the perfect answer but worth considering. As a media player it just works and it's tried and true.
Have you looked into maybe getting a shield and changing out the launcher? It's a great emulator and will play any video file thrown at it. Worth looking into if you can't find any sbc alternative.
I have not tried shucking drives but I imagine they should work. Currently have 20tb Seagate ironwolf ST20000NT001. The script takes two seconds to run and needs to be redone everytime you update the Synology software which doesn’t seem to be overly frequent. Running the script or not you have the same full functionality. Script just removes the warnings.
Haha no, I really over did it. Figured it was better to have more then less and even ecc ram is fairly cheap so why not. I eventually wanted to see if it was possible to create a ram disk to run Plex in but I run it and some other *arr programs off the m.2 drives and they are really snappy.
I’m sure you read the same reddit thread I did saying that the xs series only accept Synology drives which is totally incorrect. That being said it will throw up the warning about not using Synology drives or ram but everything works as normal. If the warnings bother you you can run the script from here And the warnings will go away.
Hi there, have the 1823xs+ works fine with non Synology drives. Have 8 20tb seagate drives, an Intel optane m.2 and wd sn850x 4tb. Also upgraded to 64gb of Kingston ram. No problems at all, thing is a beast.
When connected through wireguard can you access anything on the local network?
Also sometimes if you’re on an LAN trying to vpn into itself you get weird network issues. Does this issue also happen when you’re on another network and vpning back?
Also there’s a lot of great videos on YouTube to set this up things like Lawrence systems and network Chuck.
Not exactly sure what the issue is here but gave you the up vote for visability and hopefully someone smarter then me will know.