Try Soulseek, it has just about everything.
Try Soulseek, it has just about everything.
Do you have Bluehost web hosting plan? In that case, Bluehost would do the most heavy lifting regarding the derliverability. Email deliverability with big hosts like that shouldn’t be a problem.
Owning a domain for yourself and having a provider send/receive email on your behalf is a common choice, and it has its own benefits such as being able to migrate to other providers easily. As long as you renew your domain properly, it should be fine. Though do note that only you would use that domain, so anyone would know it was you who sent that email.
Owning a domain for yourself AND handling email sending/receiving can be challenging because there’s a chance your email gets filtered as spam, and the receiver doesn’t get what you sent. It’s also possible that your server goes down, and the email sent to you doesn’t arrive properly, though the email server usually try to send again a number of times before giving up.
If you are confident about setting a server, I can personally recommend Mailcow. As long as you set up SPF, DKIM, DMARC, it should pass most spam filter including Gmail. If you don’t want to deal with the potential headache, getting a provider to send/receive emails for you is a good choice too.
I dump my encrypted data to someone who probably practices 3-2-1 rule (which is Backblaze for me). I mean, these guys back up data for a living.
Grub entry missing and Nvidia driver installation not going smoothly did happen to me, though the former is somewhat independent of the distro.
Not even close. Too many things to learn, too many things you can get good at, not enough time to do them all.
Same here. I spent last month transitioning all my servers to NixOS and it feels so comfy! I do a small test on my desktop when I do something that might break stuff first, and then add it to server’s config later.
and --use-remote-sudo
makes it even better too.
Did mandatory service, and no, it shouldn’t be a thing. It’s not that you would be fighting in the frontline that it sucks (it is a possibility, but doubt it would happen any time soon), it’s that you can’t do much during that period that makes it annoying, and you’re paid below min wage for it. It also imposes restrictions on you before you complete your service in case you try to avoid it. You also do it during the 20s, and that’s just a waste of time.
It’s really like a movie.
I mean in terms of how long it lasted lol
Lol its over
Tf is going on at 11PM 😭
Meow meow meow MEOW MEOW
Meow meow MEOW meow meow
Meow meow meow meow meow 😺⚡MEOW⚡😺
How does this protect the blockchain from someone just uploading hashes of AI generated video though?
Thank you!
I wish I could forget about Baba Is You completely, I want that feeling I got when I did “What happen if I do ’ … IS KEY’?” again.
Can you do something with syncserver-rs alone? Even after I log in with Mozilla account and setting sync server URL to point to mine, nothing appears in the database.
I don’t think it’s that bad if you’re trying to solve a problem. Still, I would whisper rather than say it out loud.
On that matter, why is Norton antivirus so popular? I don’t remember being prompted to install one when installing Windows, yet I’ve seen a lot of people with it.
Live off of finding CVEs. I’m currently messing with Android’s TEE, hoping that hasn’t been picked clean.