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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • I have read that Canadian Geographic magazine ( like National Geographic magazine, but colder ) decided to fire their photo-editor.

    It’s a photo-centric magazine.

    So, their quality dropped.

    & that had consequences…

    Since I only read 1 source for the story, I’ve no idea if it tests-out, but that is exactly the problem with hard-to-grow expertise: you don’t know how much worth it is, until you lose it, & then you can’t quickly/easily get it back.

    ( this story is actually a good example of why people should be tested for roles the’re not even close to working-in:

    it’d help one calibrate the difficulty-in-replacing particular people, AND it’d identify if you even can replace them, & if not, get training backups or get bringing-in people, until you’ve got a backup, eh? )

    Anyways, until a person has worked-through Betty Edwards’ “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive edition”, & experienced the hemisphere-dominance-shift, themselves, it simply isn’t understandable how meaningful that shift is.

    ( also, it validates exactly what Hofstadter wrote “Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” about: that each kind-of-knowing is incapable of knowing ANY meaning which isn’t within-its-kind-of-knowing. )

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  • Mao, Stalin, AND Hitler ALL genocided within their own territory, whether intentionally or not ( Mao wiped-out knowledge-workers, creating massive famine, ttbomk )

    The whole “horseshoe political-spectrum” is failing-to-understand that there actually is a different dimenion involved…

    Considered-reasoning only lives in the middle,

    & imprint->reaction-mind owns both extremes, AND it also owns many who nominally are “center”.

    Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” is on the difference between the 2 kinds of mental-function,

    and to the best of my knowledge, the imprint->reaction mind is lower-forebrain, while the considered-reasoning mind is upper-forebrain.

    ALL ideology/prejudice/“religion” ( religion, not spirituality, which is considered-reasoning rooted ) is rooted in the imprint->reaction bypassing-actual-thinking mind.

    The Catholic inquisition, the murderers of any religion, the murderers of any political-ideology, etc…

    I simply cannot understand how anybody could maintain that the ideology-genociding-of-the-left OR the ideology-genociding-of-the-right OR the ideology-genociding-of-religions OR the ideology-genociding-of-racism OR the ideology-genociding-of-gender-racism ( the inquisition was part of that, the Muslim immigrant gang-rapes committed in their new countries is part of that, the male-supremacist-vote which helped block Harris from winning in the US is part of it, the fact that rape is a pretend-crime in actual-practice is part of that, as the male authorities just don’t consider it to be a “real” crime, if its “only” against girls & women, the scum who rewrote Genesis millenia ago, to alter it from saying that women “ate of the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil” ( which it still says ), to instead “interpreted” that, right in the text, so that instead of meaning that women ate of moral understanding ( altruism is demonstrated to be generalized-mothering, in wasps & humans, & grandmothers in the tribe are a significant tribal-survival-advantage, through deep-time/evolution )…

    Is the intentional-genociding of Tibetans & Uighurs “OK” because it is being done by the left?

    Was Stalin’s force-exterminating millions of his own country’s people somehow OK?

    XOR is it that the genociding of fascists doesn’t count?

    Obviously, you hold that I, like the original-poster am beyond-reason, beyond wrong.

    That’s fine.

    I’m fed-up with being gaslit by ideologues, & ideologues are equally fed-up with all who are not within their ideology, obviously.

    Which is the essence of The Great Filter, in-which humankind will either lock entirely into imprint->reaction mode & simply tantrum/pogrom until all our kind is extinguished,

    XOR some fraction of humankind will do all they can to lock-into considered-reasoning, & do everything they can to continue force-evolving, while surviving the apoctalyptic-nihilism of the ideologues…

    I don’t expect the total-war to cease until the end of this century, once it starts ( in the 2030’s, probably )

    Party-fascism ( which is what “communism” actually is ) & individual-fascism both are intolerant of healthy-diversity.

    Collectivist-evil & individualist-evil are equal-“powers”, just different in methods & in their self-programming.

    … shrug …

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  • There’s now yt videos on Facebooks’ locking people’s accounts ( in early 2025 ) because they … post on Linux … which Facebook has ( perhaps because it benefits their … ahem … for-profit-partners ) deemed to be malware…

    Linux Mint / Cinnamon I can recommend, & for all the old machines running corrupt MS-Windows, please get Puppy Linux on 'em, & MAKE them trustworthy!

    Yes, the “controlling the populace” time has just-now begun!

    ( unfortunately, it is going to get much MUCH more oppressive, as this shit progresses in totalitarianism… )

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  • Yes, planning-ahead IS that-foreign a concept these days, actually…



    Millei’s eradication of federally-coordinated education, as a means of somehow “improving” the Argentinian economy, also.

    Ideology “doesn’t need” to think: it “just inherently knows”, see?

    maybe you’ve been living on some other planet for the last decade-or-so?

    : p

    Narcissism’s dictatorships never care about reality, because their ideologies/prejudices/“religions” somehow “outrank” actual-reality, youk know?

    Exactly the same as how “believers” hold that G-D obeys their belief, instead-of holding-believers-to-some-Universal-standard…

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  • Further, wounded-narcissism is the primary-motivation behind being a mass-shooter.

    Increasing the wounded-narcissism is petty.

    It “solves” the wrong problem.

    Trudeau proved that he didn’t understand tactics when the counter-tarrifs he put against the US in the last Trump-trade-war were damaging Democrat regions, instead of only tarriffing Republican regions.

    I see no reason he would have set-up correct strike-against-the-aggressor tarrifs, this-time.

    So, instead he increases Trump’s likelihood of getting more-violent against Canada??

    Immaturity cannot be permitted to rule our countries, XOR we are accommodating our rulers to railroad our viability, itself.

    ( this also indicates that we require a culture of enforcing-all-our-growing-up, instead of the petty MSM culture we’ve allowed to mesmerize all our world, & we need it now. )

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  • Trump is Putin’s apprentice, invested-in for decades, as The Kremlin Papers identified.

    Currently Trump is beta to both Putin & Musk, … however … brains change, sometimes gradually, & sometimes suddenly.

    I’m betting that Trump will break-through-a-barrier in his brain’s function, converting him to his needed psychopathy, this-year, if not this-late-winter-or-spring.

    I’m not certain that Musk will like being truly-beta to Trump, when that happens, though…

    it’s us who would be more-jeapordized, however, by that personality-punctuation…

    ( there are actual fMRI image-sequences of multiple-personality-disorder patients switching-between-personalities, showing the change-in-brain-energization, now in our scientific record. )

    Presuming that “status quo” isn’t going to be disrupted is exactly the sort of belief that knifed the Dems in the US, in their back.

    Presuming that the current-personality-of-Trump is going to remain unchanged, given the ferrocious forces acting on that poor brain, seems to me, a brain-injury survivor, who has massively altered the function of this brain…

    ( I spent literally years much-of-the-time catatonic, in the late 1980’s & very-early 1990’s )…

    to be incompetent: normal-people just don’t understand how-greatly a brain can change, in short duration, or long…

    Even if it was caused by an aneurism/stroke, would his cult permit him to be removed-from-power??

    Not a chance, so long as he remained alive.

    So, if he loses his mirror-neuron-system, becoming incapable of any empathy, whatsoever, in such a brain-change,

    …would that change the rules of ( the nature of ) “who” is governing the US?


    But what it wouldn’t do, is get the then-psychopath removed from power.

    THAT is the threat we’re currently under, even-though nobody else on this world considers this to be a real-threat…

    So, I place my imaginary-dime ( the only thing I bet, ever: no material-gain/loss, ever, & only imagine the physically-tiniest-coin: keep it from being the gambling that people get their lives sucked-into ) on it happening, & all the world places their bet on it not-happening.

    ( this also identifies that it is the role which ought be protected, & if a person’s personality changes enough, or if they get caught being corrupt, then they HAVE TO be removed from the role, but NONE of the political-party rigged governments hold to this standard!

    Because they aren’t in it for the benefits of our countries: they only want their-own rule! )

    I was absolutely-right about him openly becoming a Putin-ally, about there being “the Caucasian Serpent” ( 1 of the 3 empires prophecied in the Christian’s bible, in the end-times ), & I’m betting that I’m right on this point, too.

    Hopefully I’m wrong!

    Wouldn’t the world be better if I always was?

    Certainly establishment’s-beliefs would be more comfortable…

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  • That is immature, & counter-productive:

    Trump’s playing a negative-sum-game, committed to crushing & destroying the world, so-long-as he gets to be “king” ruling it’s destruction, glorying in his “status” & "wealth,

    … & amplifying his ideologically-motivated violence against Canada, for stupid childish “status”, is something any woman who survived years of domestic-violence/abuse could have told him, isn’t either wise or intelligent.

    Canada NEEDS to replace political-parties with something intelligent, honest, and responsible!


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  • There are many former-Muslims who have identified that Islam is literally committed to exterminating all other religions…

    that it’s intrinsic to the Quran++ ( Hadiths are the rest of the stuff called? I think so )

    Exactly as Nietsche ( sorry sp ) identified that from any culture like Roman culture, Christianity is a slave-culture, programming people to be passive, Islam is identified by former-Muslims ( there used to be a former-Muslim subreddit, btw, which was eye-opening, & there are books by both Muslims & former-Muslims on this kind of thing ) as programming its people to exterminate all competition to Islam.

    To me, it is just another example of a religion putting itself in G-D’s place: they ALL do it!

    “It isn’t G-D that is The Only Way™, no! it is OUR™ Religion Regime™ that is The Only Way!!”

    so, they put their church in G-D’s place, & ignore that that’s blasphemy.

    Try finding some fundamentalist Christianity that doesn’t do that…

    Try finding some fundamentalist Judaism that doesn’t do that…

    Try ALL the Abrahamic-religion variants, ALL the Dharmic-religion variants, try ALL the fundamentalist atheisms, it’s simply one of ideology’s fundamental-methods.

    I just picked a couple of posts in the exmuslim subreddit, & the 2nd one I picked was this:


    Try watching that video, & try reconsiling it with sanity/civil-tolerance…

    It’s rabid-prejudice, committed to exterminating all others, as blatent as can be…

    It ISN’T just a different Christianity, or Judaism…

    ( Zionism’s openly working to murder-off all Palestians shows it to be fundamentally-related to the religion in that video, if one accepts the behavior which IDF’s murders brag about on their socials, & then get international-prosecutions for…

    I expect the Republicans in the US to be doing the same kind of “jihading” within very-few years, against all sane people: it’s a plague, NOT-limited to any specific ideology/religion!

    It’s a substitute-for considered-reasoning: ideological-rabies, in all cases, just as the Christian Inquisition was, in its holocausting, throughout its territories, for centuries… )

    the world’s infected with ideological-rabies, & its showing-up through “religions”, AND “politics”, AND other-ideologies, everywhere, & it’s only going to get intenser, & intenser, as it tries to break, forever, considered-reasoning from our world, so it can “win” & rampage/tantrum our planet without any restriction…

    & we have to accept that particular cultures … cannot tolerate anybody-else’s lives.

    XOR we make ourselves accessories to their crimes, including, for some ideologies, genocidings.

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  • it literally is their Quran’s law that they have to stone-to-death any person who left Islam, & won’t return to it in 3 days.

    As Germany has noticed, immigrants from specific Muslim countries are … iirc … 100,000x as likely as normal Germans to gang-rape.

    It was that kind of statistic that caused me to understand that having the same penalty for the same crime,

    when specific subcultures are MASSIVELY more-likely to commit specific crimes, is incompetence/insanity:

    the correction for the crime needs to be calibrated both to the crime AND to the probability-of-committing-it.

    Notice that I’m not saying that Muslims are the only religion which has culture-specific crimes…

    there was a book, & movie, some years ago, about the Catholic molestation-by-priests regime, where they protected the molesters…

    an insight given in that work ( it was the Boston Globe who cracked the actual case, iirc ) is that when celibacy is required of people who never grew-up-in-real-relationship, it retards their growing-up, & significantly-increases their pedophelia…

    I don’t care what the “religion” or “ideology” or “prejudice” in-question is!

    IF a specific demographic is massively-more-likely to be committing any specific kind of crime, THEN the deterrent/correction has to be jacked to counterbalance that, adaptively.

    IF that means that Republican Electorates get massively-higher sentencing for corruption, then So Be It, see?

    Make the correction correct the societal-problems that different cultures create, & no pretending that no culture creates any problems, no matter how “politically incorrect” actual-fact is, nowadays, on either side of the political spectrum.

    https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-003081_EN.html for evidence that I’m not just pushing racism, but instead identifying actual-fact/actual-behavior.

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  • This ( the placing of Islam above national-law ) is why you can’t give citizenship to anybody who holds that ANY regime outrank’s the country, be it some other country’s, or some religion’s.

    EITHER they accept that the law of the land is THE law of the land,

    XOR they aren’t citizens.

    Failure to understand & accept that is … functionally … treason, now.

    NO ideology has the “right” to highjack our countries.

    We either enforce that, XOR we accommodate our own future-decapitations. ( of our countries )

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  • Veritasium, on yt ( not a guy I recommend frequently ) has a vid on election-systems.

    Approval-disapproval seems to be the sanest electing-system there is…

    All the ranked-choice-systems logically have problems, though no-where near as bad as 1st-past-the-post idiocy.

    Please, people, if you’re interested in the sanest voting-system possible, watch that video, & then organize to replace your system with the currently-best-option, which seems, from that vid, to be the approval/disapproval system.

    ( it makes the most-approved person win, and one can approve-of multiple different candidates, so the majority-of-voters get heard, no-matter-what, see? )

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  • I think the Dems are more guilty of being foolish, than of intentionally-accommodating “GEOTUS”…

    Biden blocked Harris from campaigning until it was too-late, & … whatshername … Pelosi’s threat to destroy Biden’s campaign was the only thing which finally pried his hands off the opportunity…

    They lived entirely-within Hopium.

    They … mostly, or nearly-all, possibly-all, … aren’t going to survive the US Civil War Part2 which will erupt when it becomes enacted that there isn’t going to be any 2028 election, or sometime around then, anyways…

    I don’t expect much of the population of this continent to survive the next decade…

    & many have worked, hard, at preventing this…

    The male-supremacists & the white-supremacists who voted against Harris, THEY are guilty, certainly…

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  • AND… within Nazi Germany, were real Germans who stood against Nazism, however they could…

    there are a few books on that, “An Honorable Defeat” is one I’ve heard-of.

    Oversimplification is anti-survival: it is just another ideology/prejudice/“religion”.

    The US, the official US, is now Trump’s property, & Trump ( CURRENTLY ) is Putin’s property, & Musk’s.

    I expect Trump to have a minor aneurism/stroke or something, which will remove empathy from him, completely.

    ( he’s fighting that personality-conversion, in my view )

    But no matter how psychopathic/machiavellian/nihilist/sadistic the official US becomes, there’s good people there.

    ( remember that biblical thing, can’t remember who it was, perhaps Abraham,

    who argued with G-D, that if there are good people there, then don’t destroy the place?

    I think he was doing the wrong-selectivity: he should have been demanding that they, the good people,

    be spared the destruction that G-D was about to toss on the evil…

    & if it was the Sodom & Gomorrah story,

    then as I’ve pointed-out before, if the angels visiting the good guy who lived there had been female angels,

    & the gang-rapers trying to get in had been intending heterosexual-rape,

    that would not, in any way, whatsoever, have made their intent non-evil.

    It wasn’t their sexual-orientation, it was the gang-raping-angels, that made it abomination.

    Anyways, back to the original message : )

    Back on reddit I was permabanned from some communities, simply for posting in specific-other communities.

    The Problem™ I had with that?

    I’d been commenting in those other communities specifically to counter the abuse they were heaping on somebody.

    So, I got judged to be one-of-the-abusers because of the venue I’d spoken in, which I’d spoken-in only to counter its abuse…

    I’ve been gaslit all my life, & am fed-up with it.

    Differentiate correctly, & don’t abuse the innocent, is one of the rules-of-life I live by, now.

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  • The transatlantic alliance is now Canada-EU, & US-Russia.

    It’s still trans-atlantic, but … it’s just that “now there are two of them”

    ( insert meme of those obsidian-colored “aliens” actors )

    The only question remaining is … with Orban IN the EU, & openly enemy of civil-rights & the EU,

    AND the EU’s countries apparently courting Millei??

    ( snappy TV jingle, here )

    WILL the EU survive as a civil-rights aligned entity,

    XOR will it “obey the zeitgeist” & obey the fascist-global-alliance?

    Humankind wants to know!

    Stay tuned, for next-week’s installment in “how much hell can be established on Earth THIS week?™”, the global reality-TV program which some hope NONE of us will survive!

    ( insert jingle here )


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