I always find that last fellow intentionally hilarious. Just avoiding the gaze then he’s just got a full on blindfold
Many fall in the face of chaos, but not this one, not today
I always find that last fellow intentionally hilarious. Just avoiding the gaze then he’s just got a full on blindfold
Does anyone know why the double speed thing works? It’s very effective for me too, I usually keep video at 1.5x often will have to jump it up to 2x to be able to handle it
Wait was I funny on accident
It baffles me how much humans want to control each other. Any three humans in a room and you’ve got four opinions on how everyone else should live.
I’m tired of this, can’t we just let people do as they please. I say we all just: Live. Laugh. Love.
It’s much better today, but in 2010 that was 100% accurate.
That being said, using Java as a first time programming language is like a 15 year old trying to fly an airliner to get a few blocks away to pick up some after school snacks. Obviously it’s way overkill. Sure you could get across town with it, but it’s probably 1000x more complicated than just a simple bicycle or even walking.
Java is industrial strength for professionals. There’s absolutely no consideration made for educational usage.
Ooo a new Neal book, how was it?!
Here’s an online calculator
I wanted to say the same thing, use it or lose it.
Pain sometimes comes from injury or other mechanism, but loads of people with back pain just need to exercise more.
A strong back will do wonders.
Likewise a strong wrist will resist keyboard pain. It won’t tolerate bad typing posture or a crappy keyboard, but it will resist pain with a good ergo keyboard and good posture
accordion intensifies
This looks uncannily like my shelf, I’m trying to buy land now for my permaculture forest 😭
When I first learned to bake bread and pizza.
Five years later I was 60lb/27kg heavier and needed to go on keto to break the bread habit. Sigh. Took me almost as long to lose an the weight, but I’ve kept it off now for almost ten years!
Golden chandelier sure is proud about his efforts to oppress his fellow Americansenemies. He really hates Americans having freedom I guess
Thanks for getting me to laugh this early
How awesome that would be for our trans sisters to just eat soy to get the gains they need. But no, they gotta go through a huge hassle of injections and pills etc
Ok, sold, now my partner has a new gift of their favorite movies
Memes that lie?! On the internet?! Someone call the Internet police