While I would have seen my siblings broken arm, I was too young to remember it.
I do remember them stepping on that rusty nail and having to get tetanus shots!
I’ve been diced up by various cats, but all those wounds were very surface level.
If I am, where can I input rosebud and get more money??
Shouldn’t, but people absolutely do judge them! They also judge if they think you shouldn’t be in a handicap spot period. So many people get huffy when they see my (what appears to be) able body get out of the car then…oh shit, my visibly disabled husband!
My husband wouldn’t put the cart away.
But he has cerebral palsy which made walking back to the car without the cart for stability difficult when he was shopping alone. He actively liked if someone left a cart in the handicapped hatch mark area because then it would be close so he could grab that going into the store and be balanced against it.
He did know it wasn’t ideal though, and I’d take the carts back when I started shopping with him.
Getting ready to take husband to physical therapy today. Then we’ll all go to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner since my root canal got canceled again and I hadn’t planned on doing anything for valentines because I was suppose to have the root canal today. Although today is siblings day to cook, so maybe we have valentines dinner tomorrow instead. We’ll still buy groceries. The kitten would like it to be known it’s almost 10am and humans are suppose to be awake and paying attention to her. So I better go do that.
I love the Alot so so much. Just wanna hug most of them! You could say I love the Alot a lot!
Yes, but cooking it at low heat can add a nice nutty flavor to it!
I was into Full Tilt, the pinball thing that I remember playing extensively on XP
The dodge caravan was my teenage car. I loved it. Big. Ugly. No one wanted to drive with me and that was perfect because they also would have tried smoking in the car and I’d have broken out in hives. I miss you, dodge caravan.
It’s why I don’t wear panty hose. They absolutely are restricting and uncomfortable around my stomach, but importantly 1. I’m fat and 2. It’s the major way my autism manifests, my brain fucking screeeaaaams about restrictive clothing in any form.
I use whatever stall is open and clean.
Figure out the cottage laws in the state now its legal. The process makes my wiggly brain hurt.
I’ll have it on the second monitor of the computer. I agreed to lead a roleplay thing in a mud game I play in. Accidentally days got messed up so it’s this week and not next. Once that’s done I’ll sit on the couch and eat taquitos and try and understand downs again.
Combine at least two things I guess? I mean like a can of soup and some grated cheese, tada! But also doing something to a single ingredient also counts (heating something, etc) so the can would count under that.
In short, I think whatever makes the person doing the cooking happy.
Man I love dairy and man it does not love me.
Still going to have pizza later.
All cats I’ve had have been lucky enough that free feeding is an option and they don’t gorge. So we just fill the bowl up when it’s empty, and water is kept fresh everyday. Thinking of getting a running water fountain to encourage more liquids though.
Twice. Once when I was buying large appliances which I basically never do and a call to my bank cleared that up, and once trying to buy a video game directly from the company (instead of say through steam or gog) and going in to the bank fixed that.
I love a cuddly cat! So sweet!
Prep time, five minutes, includes cooking onions down to golden goodness. Riiiight, 5 minutes, liars.
More physical therapy for husband. My insurance said no more physical therapy for me which fine, my exercises were doable at home. I still have insurance and that’s all that matters from that whole thing.
The kitten has been getting even more cuddly, and has taken to cuddling under the blankets with me when I nap. Absolutely heartwarming.
I planned to meal prep some Cornish pasties and freeze them but for sick last week so maybe this week.