This was not a helpful response. I also don’t know what it is.
This was not a helpful response. I also don’t know what it is.
Relatedly, some long structures that seek entirely straight have different lengths depending on the altitude you measure them. For example, an oft repeated tidbit is that the Lake Ponchartrain causeway is two inches longer when measured at the deck than at water level due to the earths curvature.
I have a PiHole, my own EdgeRouter that is behind the Verizon router, a UPS, a wired switch, a SiliconDust HD HomeRun to convert my cable to a stream, my Hue controller, my Camera DVR, and a Pi4 hosting network storage.
It all fits neatly in a 6U closet rack. I use the EdgeRouter to host a VPN I can connect into to manage things for the house, and also use it to dial out to a VPN, so I can connect the TVs in the house to a VPN abroad.
I also have a Smart Garden powered by a raspberry pi, connected to a rain barrel, a water pump, some solenoids, and some moisture sensors.
Yes these. Essentially anything that an unidentified user could push data to that would land me in regulatory trouble. I would want to host these things, but I don’t want to become a distributor of anything that would get me a search warrant.