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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Now with America’s blessing, it’s being retrofitted to allow for all type of aircraft

    It’s being retrofitted to allow for STOVL aircraft, not “all type of aircraft”. They are not installing catapults, arresting gear, or the angled deck needed for CATOBAR operations.

    and be a true carrier in the military sense.

    True. It will definitely be a true carrier in the military sense. The F-35B is a very capable aircraft, and they will be able to operate a wide variety of helicopters and

    Just to put it in perspective: It will be comparable to what the US navy calls an “Amphibious Assault Ship” (Wasp and America classes, carrying ~20 aircraft each) than its current “Carriers” (Nimitz and Ford classes, with ~90 aircraft each).

  • Even if you use a radio without a license, most of the time, nothing will happen. The FCC (at least, before 2025) wont care if you talk to your friends using radio without a license.

    Caveat to this: If you use these radios on amateur bands without licenses, you should expect legal problems. Operating them on FRS, MURS, GMRS, or PLMRS bands is far less likely to upset anyone.

    Non-hams might not be aware, but amateur radio requires you to identify yourself with your callsign at the beginning of every transmission, and every 10 minutes after that. Failure to do so is conspicuous. The other bands mentioned don’t have (or don’t enforce) this identification requirement, so you aren’t immediately outing yourself with every transmission.

  • even overcoming the parasitic portion of extra energy needed during the compression cycle and the exhaust cycle against the turbocharger impeller?

    Let’s assume the contrary. Let’s assume it can’t. Let’s assume the turbocharger is a net drag on the engine, and any gains are only from enabling the engine to burn more fuel. If this is all true, then the turbocharger should not be able to function without the reciprocating engine. Without the “push” from the pistons during the exhaust stroke, the turbo shouldn’t be able to turn.

    If we can show that the turbo can not only spin without the piston engine, but that additional energy can be harvested, we will have disproven this assumption.

    So, let’s get rid of the pistons. Plumb the intake manifold directly to the exhaust manifold. We have one combined intake/exhaust manifold. We stick a couple spark plugs into that manifold and turn it into a combustion chamber.

    Now we have air passing through a compressor turbine, into a combustion chamber and then through an exhaust turbine. Sound familiar?

    Engineers discovered that some turbos were capable of producing more power than the engines they were attached to. They discovered that the reciprocating engine was a drag on the turbo. The only reason to keep the reciprocating engine was because material science hadn’t caught up. We didn’t have turbos capable of directly handling the heat of combustion.

    That discovery gave us the jet engine.

  • The exhaust gases get pushed

    The “pushing” (exhaust stroke) isn’t particularly relevant.

    When the valves close at the beginning of the compression stroke, the pressure in the cylinder is atmospheric: zero psig. The valves don’t open until the piston has risen (compression) and fallen (power) again. Without combustion, the pressure at the time the exhaust valves open is again at atmospheric. The gasses were compressed, and re-expanded, but only reach atmospheric. These gasses need to be pushed out.

    With combustion, the pressure at the bottom of the stroke is substantially higher than atmospheric: the combustion event has radically increased the pressure of those gasses. At the end of the power stroke, just before the exhaust valves open, the pressure inside the cylinder is still extremely high. When the exhaust valves open, the overwhelming majority of the energy released to the exhaust stream is from the increased pressure. The “push” from the rising piston is relatively tiny.

    It is the expansion of those gasses - not the “pushing” of those gasses - that drives the turbo.

    I think it might be beneficial to think about the next evolution in aircraft propulsion. The turbocharger operates by expanding gasses through a power turbine, and using that energy to drive a compressor turbine. Remove the cylinders and pistons from the path, carefully tune those turbines, and you have a turbojet.

    If the pistons are “pushing” the turbocharger, the turbojet would be impossible. It is the expansion of the gasses, not the displacement of the pistons, that drives the turbocharger.

  • The people who say they don’t experience intrusive thoughts are liars. They are too anxious about how the world would react if they told anyone they sometimes think about jumping off a roof, or driving into oncoming traffic.

    The people who don’t actually have intrusive thoughts are psychopaths. Lacking empathy, they don’t even consider how such actions would affect anyone around them. They do, or do not, as they choose.

    The healthiest are the people who recognize in themselves behaviors they don’t observe in their peers, and they are concerned enough for everyone’s safety to risk being seen as abnormal.

    There is a difference between “intrusive thought” and “suicidal/homicidal ideation”. Experiencing these ideas as irresistible urges to partake in the behaviors might warrant a trip to a pshrink.

    Experiencing them as vivid scenes of violence and destruction, without a compulsion to actually act on them, is not unusual or concerning. They’re your own private action movies; Enjoy them.