Yeah, but as a true nerd i wont be using my old pi 3 to do that.
The poor bastard is strugling to keep home assintant alive. Better buy a new router compatible.
Yeah, but as a true nerd i wont be using my old pi 3 to do that.
The poor bastard is strugling to keep home assintant alive. Better buy a new router compatible.
The one in the left has whiskers!
I won again, corporate!
You can easily notice, by seeing that the cables are perfectly arranged.
That never happens unless u r in germany.
If u ever went to college u would know it applies a lot over there 😂
Theres talented people everywhere, and i would say theres even more in highschool than college. The diference? Money.
But don’t shit on and downplay the people who have the talent and ability to do so.
I didn’t say that
Am i missing something?
For the agencys to break it as they have been doing? no thx
Maybe u r right, im gonna try to be friends next time i see a white supremacist, its not like that kind of ideologies can and already have taken lives.
Edit to add pizzagate since theres dead pleople thx to that stupidity, and antivaxxers in general since not only they kill themselfs, but also anyone around them, especially their kids, etc, etc, etc. Even those Th3 EaRtH 1S fiAt DuD3 have been killing themselfs.
The correct response in that situation is a warm fist to the face, not a debate
You only need to have evidence of how it wasn’t ur fault, easy as that.
When the usual response to lets say… climate change, is nothing more than shouting how u r a commie (which yes, i am one), spreading goverment lies, and how the vaccines r gonna give their child autism…
I just don’t waste my energy in something so futile, its their religion. And a confrontation about BELIEFS (at least for them) is gonna end up no where.
So yeah, its just understanding how sometimes its better to only see them with disgust and walk away.
GOG being the absolute BOSS; u will be able to leave your library as your legacy for future generations.
Give him nothing more than a sneer
Hopefully the fomer, otherwise it implies that even an almost almighty being is unable to overcome capitalists greed.
Welp, thats a signal if i have ever seen one
A “trump on 4”? weird choice, ok, on its way
Sign up to the instance, just be prepared to deal with mexican black humour.
And, everyone can and needs to defend their sovereignty.
Palestina has the right to use military force to defend its territory.
Thats exactly why i only buy from gog now, and steam only when it comes to multiplayer games.
I bought mass effect collection on the ea store 'cause it have 45% discount when it came out, only for me to find out a year later a silent notification about a game which has being revoked from my library. Reason? Ur guess is as good as mine. Tried to contact ea support, the answer? take it or lose all ur other games too (bf1, bf5 worse purchase ever, and plants vs zombies because they gift it to me). So i told them to go f themselfs and now i can’t play neither mass effect nor bf1.
So yeah, fuck that shit about they “lending” us a license, its either mine or it belongs to those who navigate the sea.
I KNOW! And u dont know how much i envy u 4 that. Here, every time i go inside a server or electrical room is full of cables tangled in ways it shouldn’t be physically posible.