Thanks!! :) ngl, dialogue is a challenge. Social anxiety is a tough bug to patch so I don’t really have a good frame of reference for what is “organic”. If you know of any good books that have great dialogue, I’d be very interested in checking them out!
Yes, that would be correct! At least to the extent people are willing. I’d imagine that a whole community of picky eaters would probably self-organize in a way where everyone just cooks for themselves (Although increased exposure to new ideas and ways, after some time, would have a proximity effect and people may find new or different ways to bond). All and all I think the inclination to cook together would mostly stem from convenience, as in you would be more willing to help or accept something different if it means you get to go back to do that thing you’d rather be doing much quicker.
Thanks for the recommendation! Seems like an interesting book at first glance, so I’ll be adding it to my list of future readings.