The satellite went boing boing?
So you could just use Email in these archaic programs called Thunderbird etc. If you really wanted to use gmail. You know, without adds, without the need for an ad blocker, without AI recommendations and at your leisure.
But hey, you’d have to install something on your computer for that… how horrible.
And who uses computers for work anyway, you can just write your essay on a tablet. (but there are also email apps on those)
It’s a shittier way to work but hey it’s easier.
That’s the cheap chinese knockoff, Neckdobalds.
The voices in their head.
Chant with me… Indie games… Indie Games! INDIE GAMES!
It’s… it’s dead Jim.
You think old, pea brained, waddling trump could fake being hit by a bullet and then apply fake blood (or have it applied) while on camera?
What is this 2018? That ship has already sailed.
At some point some artist is going to screw with all of us by taking a real photo with a campfire in a tent.
Oh, phew! I first read that as “Mexico to set on fire first female president in 2024” Congrats Mexico. (For the female president, not the imaginary fire)
Oh yes it does, I just meant something for you to give directly to other users.
“Jack_of_all_derps, deleted by creator”
Poor jack, gone from existence, I think he made god angry or something… ;)
The internet was far more enjoyable 20 years ago, so if content goes back to being user hosted instead of corporation hosted I’ll be happy.
Thing is, it doesn’t have to be ready. It doesn’t have to have everyone here, just enough people to form a healthy community.
This is how it was in the olden days and it worked well.
If there is reddit with its gazillion users and the fediverse only has a few million that’s enough for me.
Enough to have interesting discussions and learn new things.
And who the f**** really cares about celebrities like Nicki Minaj etc.
I’d rather talk to the most unremarkable person I can find than those manufactured personalities.
No! I’d rather be 20 years ago!