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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2024


  • Military power and wealth have an irrisisatable pull. China can still make deals and do diplomacy. Even North Korea can cut deals with Russia. Russia and Iran work together. One nations pariah state is anothers opportunity.

    The rest of the world will hedge their bets, but if the US negotiators start talking sense again after the trump admin they will attend the meetings and make agreements hoping for the best. International law people live and breathe the hypocrisy of tyrants and democrats alike.

    The optimism of the 1990s is dead, but that was a lie even then. The US reputation as the “leader of the free world” is dead. It was a self appointed title anyway.

    The world will keep spinning and deals will still be made by non idiots.

    If the predictions in this thread of a hot civil war in the US prove true, then deals will be made with whatever comes out of that.

    I hope not, but I am not optimistic about the next few years/decades

  • That’s not what the science says.

    Trans women are, on average, taller, and tall athletes do better, on average, than shorter athletes, but there differences stop there, so long as HRT has had it’s chance to run.

    And cis women can be tall too, that’s not a trans advantage, it’s a hight advantage.

    But even HRT requirements is the compromise position. It’s an easy compromise to make because the effects are dramatic and bring us slightly below cis averages and nearly all trans women desire to undergo hormone replacement anyway.

    Underneath that though, is an argument from principle: are trans women… Women?

    If we are women, and we enter women’s competitions, and we win, then where is the problem?

    A woman competed, and a woman won. Tall women are not banned from basketball or track despite the obvious physical advantages they have over their shorter competitors. Michael Phelps was not banned from swimming, he was celebrated, despite having physiological advantages over nearly all his competition.

    Banning trans women from sports is an implicit threat to our identity. We are not women. We are something else. When a trans woman wins a sporting competition, it is somehow not fair to the… Real women, the cis women.

    That is the point is this. Anything else is window dressing.

  • I can’t deny there are dirty jobs that nobody would do on a lark or as a hobby or even a calling.

    A busted sewer is a community emergency. You can ask the infirm, the pregnant, the elderly “what are you willing to do to support our efforts to fix the sewer?” And the answer might be cook some large meals, care for the children, or take someone’s regular job for a week

    Yes, everyone will be side eyeing young, strong, men (and maybe women) to take the lead on fixing the sewer. There might be promises to make it up to them later. A fifty year old with carpentry experience might offer to expand a house install new cabinets if they will help with the sewer. I do think there are things that others can do to support a major effort like that.