So it’s not coming on then?
So it’s not coming on then?
Yes, lizards use it as an escape tactic. A bird might grab them by the tail and then they’ll “detach” the tail. They’ll then just regrow a new one.
Trump in 2026: The Persian Gulf should be renamed to The Second American Gulf!
I see your 4-bay docking station and raise my 20-bay storage server. I even stopped counting how much the hardware costs for it :p
If you’re in a private tracker like RED or OPS it works very well, but I agree that public trackers are not well indexed enough
Just you wait till you see the arr stack (radarr, sonarr, lidarr, etc.)
I think you’ll need a bigger patch of skin to actually see the results.
I was more thinking Dave Franco. The smile is definitely on point.
Worth noting is that the unanimous vote includes members of the president’s party (as far as I can see from skimming headlines. They’re dropping fast…)
Yeah obviously, but what about the rest of my 10s of TBs of porn?
XcQ, link stays blue
That could have been done by just having a single entry called GoogleBot or BingBot, not an entire sentence explaining their product offering let alone hundreds of times a minute.
They’re saying who they are, what they do, and are linking to their website and sometimes sends hundreds of requests in a minute. It might not say "For only €49.99 you can get your very own thing!”, but that does not mean they aren’t throwing their name up in every website owner’s arse whether they like it or not.
They’re spamming all web logs too with an advertisement for their services in the user agent. I decided to ban them from all my websites because the logs took up too much space.
Luckily you can change it on Lemmy
Eh, everything points to a mistake. Bitwarden not only rectified it ASAP but also made the switch to GPLv3. The latter is not just something you do to please people, you need to understand the legal ramifications it can have on your business, so it very likely was a change that’s been discussed before all of this.
Primordial black hole as they’re called. They’re still a theory at this point but I find it very plausible. And how cool would it be to have a primordial black hole in the neighbourhood? Even the name is cool.
Code is already copyrighted by default, so no need for software patents. Luckily software patents are null and void in EU, so I don’t have to worry about that.
/ Guitar Solo
Less words, better propaganda